First Show

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(Marshall's POV)

He had passed out. He woke up laying on his chest with his head on Dre's shoulder. He really wasn't hoping for the night to have ended like that but oh well. The memories of the night before ran through his head and he really didn't know how to feel about it. But then again he did. It was complicated. He had really enjoyed it, he just wished it hadn't been interrupted.
He sighed as he opened his eyes, the light was piercing. There's no way it was later than 8. He looked over at the bedside clock, 6:28 a.m. He moved his eyes from the clock over to the window, the curtains were drawn but they were thin enough that he could see the palm trees that towered over Miami beach. It was a beautiful day out. He enjoyed the scenery for a while before looking at the view. He turned his head to look at Dre who was still sleeping. He gently rested his head back onto Dre's shoulder, trying hard not to wake him up. He then pulled the sheets up to his shoulders. The room was cold but Dre was warm. He got a bit closer to Dre and slowly moved his leg so that he was in a proper cuddling position.

Dre started to move around so he quickly pretended to still be asleep. He felt like he could lie there forever. He stayed as still as he could while Dre slightly stretched before wrapping his arms around him again like he had the night before. Dre pulled him closer and placed his lips gently on his forehead. He thought Dre was going to actually kiss his forehead but he didn't. Instead he just laid there with his lips pressed against his forehead. It was the same thing he had done to Dre's neck the night before. Before everything started. Marshall quietly let out a deep breath before moving his hand onto Dre's bare chest. His torso was so toned with muscle but was so soft and surprisingly had very little hair on it. He took his time tracing his fingers across every muscle indention until he could have described it with his eyes closed. He slowly worked his fingers up Dre's chest to his neck. From the neck he worked his way up to his jaw line. He was so focused on capturing every little detail in his mind that he didn't even notice that Dre was now watching him through tired eyes. He felt Dre's hand being placed on his leg, and got chills as Dre began to rub his hand up and down his outer thigh. It felt more like an act of intimacy rather than lust. He looked up at Dre and Dre looked down at him with a tired smile before leaning in for a morning kiss. The kiss was quick but still deep. It felt like Dre meant it when he did it, even though it was probably just force of habit since he's so use to waking up next to his wife every morning. Marshall surely didn't mind it though.
Dre started to stretch and finally actually wake up "hey" he said mid stretch "do you want to go get breakfast downstairs?"
"Hell yeah I could use a cup of coffee"

The boys laid there in each other's arms for a minute before getting up and ready for the day. Marshall glanced at his phone and spotted a text from Paul saying to text back when he got up.
"Hey Paul, we're about to head downstairs and get breakfast."
"Cool us too, we'll see you down there"

One of the perks of these luxury hotels is that the breakfast is less like a hotel breakfast and more like a nice restaurant with a buffet. It was in a huge, very nice, dining hall that was connected to the lobby. Food was premade and set out to grab but you could also make some things like omelets to order. Marsh and Dre made their way into the dining hall and located Paul and Allison already at a table before splitting up to grab food.
Dre is a pescatarian health nut so his breakfast made up of no meats beside imitation bacon, egg whites, yogurt, fruit, toast and a cup of coffee paired with a cup of water. Marshall however went original with pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast with a cup of coffee. Upon setting their food on the table, Dre analyzed what Marsh had grabbed then left the table and came back with some fruit and a cup of water. He placed them down by Marshall's food and sat down.
Dre always did stuff like that for him, it's like he couldn't help it. He didn't mind though. Sometimes it got annoying when Dre would do things like get onto him for not drinking enough water or putting on enough sunscreen before an outdoor show, but he still appreciated it. If Dre ever stopped doing those kinds of things, he'd be worried.
The four ate and talked together before Paul switched to talking about the plans for the day in terms of the show. Marshall and Dre were both set to perform tonight, Wednesday night, and Saturday night. Seemed a bit weird to have him perform right in the beginning, middle, and end of the festival rather than 3 days in a row. He originally hated that he had to stay here all week, but now that Dre was here with him he didn't mind all that much.

For the rest of the day they decided to take it easy and relax in their rooms. They could spend their off days playing tourist. They had to be well rested before heading to the show tonight. He and Dre had gone back to sleep after breakfast and slept until about noon. They ordered some room service for lunch and hung out together. Marshall watched TV or drew in his sketch pad while Dre listened to music or watched TV with him until they had to leave for the show.

(Dre's POV)

The first show of the week couldn't have gone better. The crowd was loving it. Cues were on point. By the end of the show he and Marsh were pumped with adrenaline, but he knew they'd be dead tired later. By the time their set ended it was about 1a.m. but there were still plenty of late night performances and other stuff to do at the festival so they decided to stay for a while and meet fans. Of course every fan wanted a picture, some wanted autographs. He laughed as girls would come up to Marshall asking for a hug or a kiss along with their pictures. Every time they asked, Marsh shot him a look like 'dude come on help me out here'. Marsh was sometimes too polite to say no to hugs but he never had an issue turning away a kiss. That was too much of a risk.
"Dude" Marsh started "If one more girl asks me to kiss them I'm gonna lose it"
Dre laughed in response
"Oh you think that's funny huh Dre?"
"I mean.." He started "it's just kinda funny because you use to love that kind of attention from any girl you could get your hands on."
"Oh what ever. You know what, since it's so funny to you, next time a girl comes and asks for a kiss I'm gonna give her one"
"Marsh don't do that."
"Why, you jealous?"
"No." Dre lied "it's just not safe. You dont know where these girls have been."
"Yeah. And these girls don't know where I've been." Marsh said while giving him a look
"You know what?" Dre started "Go for it. Don't let me stop you"
"Andre. I'm kidding. Chill."
"Yeah okay..." Dre sighed

There was silence between the two of them

Marshall decided to break the silence "Come on man, we're both tired. Let's tell everyone bye and head back to the hotel. Deal?"
"Deal." Dre agreed

They said their goodbyes and made their way back to the hotel. Fatigue finally hit once they got into the car. They both sat in the back as their cheaffuer drove.
Dre sighed and laid back in his seat with his eyes closed. He suddenly felt Marshall's head rested against his shoulder. Marsh had fallen asleep. He let him rest until they made it to the hotel.
"Marshall." Dre nudged for him to get up "come on I'm not about to carry you upstairs."
"Techincally Dre" Marshall said while rubbing his eyes and getting out of the car "you'd only have to carry me into the elevator. You wouldn't have to go up any stairs."
Dre just rolled his eyes and smiled.
They made their way back up to their floor. Dre felt a little weird going into separate rooms since they had spent at least the last 30 hours together, but into his room he went. He hopped in the shower before doing the rest of his night time routine. He was too tired to stay up any longer so as soon as he had put on pajama pants and brushed his teeth, he crawled into bed and passed out.

*knock knock*

Dre groaned. He looked at the clock: 4:22 a.m.

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