Last Day

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(Marshall's POV)

The thrill of the night before was still in his mind. It was a feeling similar to the one you get when you wake up while on a good vacation. He opened his eyes to read the time on the clock on the bedside table; 9:13a.m. it was still kinda early and they had all day.

But wait.
No they didn't.

This realization hit him and suddenly, he didn't feel so excited anymore. It usually didn't bother him when a weeks worth of shows were over. He'd normally ride that high all the way back home, but this was different. He laid on his side and felt the bed shift behind him... Andre.
He scooted back until he was laying directly against Dre's side. His chest got tight as Dre wrapped his arm around the front of his chest and pulled him closer. He held onto his arm and held it tight. He always missed Dre when it was time for them to split. They were best friends and they already didn't see each other enough. Now there was another factor. A factor he had to face.

*bzz bzz*

He checked his phone to see a text from Paul asking if they'd like to meet downstairs for the last breakfast of the trip. He agreed and attempted to get up. He managed to get himself out of bed but while on his way to his suitcase he found himself sitting on the edge of the bed. He didn't feel like moving. Warmth came over him as Dre crawled behind him and wrapped his muscular arms around him. He sat there with Dre's head cuddled into his neck and his arms around him. It was a terrible mixture of comfort and regret. He regretted everything that had happened on this trip but not for the reasons you'd think. After this, they had to pretend like it never even happened. And by the time they saw each other again, who knows if they'd still feel comfortable with each other like this? His chest constricted and he felt Dre softly kiss his cheek. Neither one of them said a word the whole time. He shivered as Dre turned his head towards him and kissed him deeper than he had the whole trip. He saw a look in Dre's eyes; worry. He wanted to say something but he also wanted to ignore it, at least for now. At least while they went to get breakfast.

They got ready in silence but neither of them tried too hard when getting dressed. They just threw on whatever and went downstairs. Paul must have recognized that something was up.

"Damn. You two alright?" Paul asked "you look kinda beat down?"

He couldn't even think of a thing to say and he was worried that if he'd talk for too long, he'd start crying.

"Hungover." Dre lied confidently "man we got back to the room last night and were just like fuck it it's the last night so why not? Let's go all out."

"Shiiiit." Paul joked while lightly slapping Marshall on the shoulder "how old are you, twenty four?"

He faked a chuckle and looked up at Dre. Quick thinking. An easy excuse but he was in no condition to make one up at the moment. He got in line to get pancakes, stood there for a minute and thought that it just didn't sound all that appetizing. He found himself going towards the vegetarian section to get some imitation bacon, a spinach omelet, and some fruit. He sat his plate down and went back to grab a cup of coffee and a cup of water. He was surprised to see that Dre had gotten pancakes, toast, imitation bacon with a cup of coffee and no water. Marsh got back up and came back with a cup of water and a bowl of fruit and slid it over to Dre. It was the little things. They made small talk while they ate, still playing on the hungover thing.

"So i talked to our planners and our plane will be here at about 5-5:30, and Dre yours will be here shortly after. No later than 6." Paul said

"Yeah that sounds good. We'll be ready." He managed to say with a smile.

"We'll head out at about 4 since the airport isn't too far and we get easy access."

They finished their meal and went back to their rooms, by this point it was about 11a.m. He went to use the restroom and came back to find Dre putting the tissue box from the living room onto the bedside table.

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