Last Day Off

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(Marshall's POV)

*bzzzzz bzzzzz....bzzzzz bzzzzz*

What the hell? Marshall stretched as he tried to figure out what that sound was. Oh shit his phone was ringing. But where was it? It wasn't on the bed side table. Sounded like it was coming from the living room. He got up and found his phone vibrating on the table next to the couch, almost dead. He went back into the bedroom and plugged his phone into the charger. He sat on the bed and looked over to see Dre rubbing his eyes. He crawled back into bed and looked at his phone. He had a missed call from Paul. He sat up in bed and called Paul while Dre laid his head on his lap. He cuddled Dre close to him.

"Hello?" He heard Paul on the other end

"Hey, did you try to call me?"

"Yeah I wanted to see if you guys were up and wanting to get food."

"Uuuuuh. I mean I just woke up. Gimme like 15 minutes and we can be down there."

"Take your time getting ready. I got some plans for the day that I think you guys might like. But first we'll go to this cool brunch spot Alli and I found."

"Like work stuff?" Marshall asked concerned.

Dre suddently tuned in to the conversation on hearing the word "work"

"No like fun stuff. It's our last day off and the four of us havent actually hung out besides last night so why not?"

"Yeah I mean..." he looked down at Dre who seemed to be into the idea "cool let's do it."

"Yeah? Alright cool. Just text me when y'all are headed downstairs. Alli's still getting ready so you have time."

"Aight, peace."

Marsh hung up the phone and placed it back on the table to charge.

"Guess we should get up now huh?"

Dre groaned and pulled him down so that he was laying back down. He scooted closer to Dre and their lips locked for the first time that morning.

Dre stretched "yeah I guess we should probably shower and shit." Dre said as he started to get out of bed.

Marsh got back up and started to dig through his clothes. "Hey what are you wearing today?"

"Same thing I always do. Why?"

"Black on black with white shoes?"


"Alright." Marsh said as he pulled a black Redman tee and some black cargo shorts out of his bag.
He smiled at Dre before picking out white AF1s to match his. They went through their usual morning routine of making out in the shower before actually getting ready for the day. He checked himself out in the mirror, those age lines were still there. And it pissed him off to no end. Dre must have sensed it because he pulled him away from the LED mirror in the bathroom and instead made him use the full length mirror in the bedroom. He completed his outfit with some jewelry and a kangol hat before grabbing his wallet and phone. He took one last look in the mirror, Dre stood behind him. They matched without making it too obvious. He pulled out his phone and snapped a quick mirror selfie of the two of them. It looked really good. He joked about the fact that some people think that he actually doesn't know how to take a selfie and that the one's he posts on instagram are just a joke. People don't seem to understand that though.
He texted Paul to let him know they were heading downstairs. They kissed quickly while alone in the elevator before getting to the lobby. Dre went to the concession stand to buy a water and a small bottle of Tylenol. His head must still be hurting. Come to think of it, his jaw hurt a bit too. Dre took 2 pills and chased it with the water. Without even having to ask, Dre handed him 2 pills and the water which he gladly downed. He smiled at Dre as he handed the water back to him. It was the little things. Paul and Alli arrived downstairs and they took one car to the brunch place they had been talking about. They got a table and placed their orders.

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