Night Out Pt. 2

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Paul and Alli were thankfully still on the dancefloor and hadn't noticed that they had left. Dre looked at his watch again, they hadn't been in there for more than 10 minutes. They sat and talked for a little while before Paul and Alli came back. They joked about Paul's dance moves before Alli redirected the conversation.
"Don't look now Mr. Mathers but I think I see a girl over there really eyeing you." She joked

Dre looked over to where Alli was motioning and sure enough, a young blonde no older than 30 was giving Marshall a look.
Alli and Paul started to joke that Marsh should go over there and ask her to dance, or worse, come over and join them. Marsh looked over at him cautiously. He could see that Marshall wanted nothing to do with the girl and was worried about making him mad.

He joked to Paul and Alli "would it get y'all off his back if he went up there and asked her to dance?"

Marshall shot him a look as if to say 'Dre wtf are you doing?'

Alli cheered with excited and motioned for Marshall to get up and go talk to the blonde. Dre pulled out his phone and sent Marsh a text: 'just go over there, tell her you're taken, take a picture with her, and tell Paul and Alli that she was just a fan who wanted a picture.'
Marsh read the text and nodded at him to let him know he understood the plan.
He watched as Marshall made his way over there. He and Alli started to talk a bit.

"It's been a while since he's had a girlfriend. He might as well get back into the dating game." She exclaimed

"Yeah.." Dre started "I got a feeling he's not really looking for anyone new though."

Paul looked surprised "what do you mean?"

Before Dre could even make up an answer he looked back over and noticed a bigger guy approaching Marshall and the girl. The guy got close to Marshall's face and pushed him back.

Shit. That must be her boyfriend.

Dre and Paul quickly got up to go dismantle the situation. By the time they got their the guy was ready to throw a punch. He swung but Dre was quick to grab the guys arm. The guy turned to see who dared to keep him from starting a fight. He turned his attention from Marshall to Dre. Dre could smell the alcohol on him.

"The fuck?! The fuck you think you're about to do tough guy?!" The guy asked through a drunken slur.

The guy attempted to push Dre but he didn't flinch. The guy was big, easily as big as Dre but not nearly as strong. At least not while drunk. Dre's 6'2" frame stood strong with Paul's 6'6" frame close behind him. This sight was completely different from the scrappy little 5'8" white boy the guy had tried to hit earlier. Even though he was small, Marshall could fight this guy easy, but Dre wasn't about to let him. The guy proceeded to get up in Dre's face.
'He really is an idiot, isn't he?' He thought to himself.

Dre had dislocated a record exec.'s jaw in one hit back in the 90's, and that was BEFORE he started working out. There was no doubt that even with one hit, the doctor could send this dude straight to the hospital. He wasn't stupid though. He knew that if he kid the dude first, it would mean jail time for him. The blonde girl got between them and begged for her boyfriend to stop and leave them be. Dre didn't stand down though, just incase. By this point Marshall had come to his side. He Felt Marsh wrap his hand around his arm in an attempt to pull him back.

"Andre. Let it go."

He looked down and saw Marshall's eyes pleading for him to just let it go and go back to where they were sitting. So he backed down. The three turned to go back to their seats.
Allie yelled something from where she was seated and next thing Dre knew he was falling forward and his his head against the floor. Before he could register that the had been pushed, he saw Marshall whip around to confront the guy and get decked in the jaw.

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