Day Off Continued

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They made it back to Miami beach and decided to park the car back at the hotel and just walk around. There were plenty of beach shops in walking distance and the beach itself was just across the street. They headed into a large beach shop full of tourists. Marsh sighed as people all around them began to stare and take pictures.
"Hey" Dre said while putting a hand on Marshalls shoulder "Don't even pay attention to them. You're here with me, not them."

Dre found a beach bag and started to pack it with towels, sun screen, and whatever else they might need for a beach day. They continued through the store and joked as they picked out swimsuits for each other.
Dre found a tiny pink bikini and held it up to Marsh "Yup. This is the one. However I don't think pink is really your color" Dre put it back, found a blue bikini and handed it to Marshall "There ya go, that's much better."

Marshall laughed as he dug a bright red speedo out of the rack and handed it to Dre

"And that's yours. You got the body for it, paparazzi is gonna love seeing you in that."

Dre laughed and took the speedo from him
"Okay but I gotta make sure it fits thought."

Marshall looked at Dre with a surprised look

"I don't want to get it and then have it not fit." Dre walked off to the dressing room, Marshall followed. Marsh waited outside the dressing room for Dre to get changed. After a few minutes Dre came back out still in his clothes.
"Didn't fit"
"Liar. You didn't even try it on."
"I did too. It was a little tight."
"Whatever" Marshall laughed
Dre walked off to go pick out some actual swim trunks. Marshall felt his phone vibrate. He took his phone out and saw that Dre had actually tried on the speedo. And he sent him pictures. He looked up from his phone and over at Dre. Dre looked back and winked at him. He didn't want to risk anyone seeing the pictures. They were just for him.
He handed Dre a pair of swim trunks that he had picked out for himself.
"Hey I'm gonna run to the restroom real quick, can you get these for me?"
"Yeah sure."

Marshall walked off and found the mens restroom. It was a small room with only one stall and two urinals. He locked the door behind him, he didn't want to risk anyone coming in. He pulled his phone out and started scrolling through the pictures. Dre was right, the speedo was a little tight. And you could see everything. Damn he looked good in it though. He almost wished Dre had actually decided to get it. He didn't want anyone else looking at him wearing it though. Only him. He zoomed in on the pics for a minute then decided to hurry up and save them to a private folder before he spent an hour in there looking at them.

*knock knock*

Marsh unlocked the door and let Dre in

"You alright?"

Dre looked at him for a minute and smiled

"What were you doing?"
"What do you mean what was I doing, it's a bathroom."

Dre's eyes trailed down, Marshall looked down and noticed he was a little hard.

"Stop it." Marsh joked
"You could have told me, I would have helped."
"I wasn't in here jacking off."
"Then what were you doing?"
"Looking at those pictures you sent me"

Dre walked further into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He pulled Marshall close and kissed him. Marsh moaned under his breath.
Dre pulled back and kissed his head "Later. Come on let's go enjoy the day."

Dre held his hand and started walking back towards the front of the store. Marshall let go suddenly, realizing they couldn't be seen holding hands in public.
"Sorry I forgot"
They got their stuff and headed to the beach. When they got there they set up towels, music. and whatever else they needed for the day.
Marsh took off his shirt and flip flop and watched as Dre did the same. God he was toned. He was pretty toned too but Dre almost looked like a body builder.
"You know what we should have gotten?" Marsh asked
Dre dug through the bag for his sunglasses "what?"
"Some body oil."
Dre looked at him, confused. "Body oil? Why?" "For you."
"For me?"
"Yeah. I mean you're already super toned and shit but...what I wouldn't do to see you shirtless and covered in oil."
Dre looked down at him "that can be arranged."
Dre grabbed his sunglasses and the sunscreen out of the bag and sprayed Marshall with it until it was practically dripping. 
"Okay it's not a big deal if I get a little sunburnt."
Dre kept applying the sunscreen "I'm going to put so much on you that by the time we leave today, you're going to somehow be paler than you were when we got here."
Marshall laughed and took the bottle from Dre. He started to spray Dre with it.
Dude you literally used so much that we're already almost out."
"Eh I can get more if I need to."

They got comfortable on their towels, played music, and talked for a while. They were only there for about an hour or so before paparazzi showed up.
Dre looked over at them "Damn they really can't just leave people alone huh?"
Marshall got up from his towel
"Might as well give em something to look at."
He turned around so he was facing away from paparazzi and mooned them in typical Slim Shady style.
Dre laughed and watched as the paparazzi hurried to get the perfect shot of Marshall's butt with a perfect Miami Beach background. Marshall laughed and pulled his short back up.
"Aaaaw" Dre whined "What the hell. I was enjoying the view."
"I'd tell you take a picture so it'll last longer but it looks like you'll have plenty of good quality ones to look at later."
Dre laughed.

They laid out in the sun, talked, and just enjoyed themselves for a few hours. After a while, people stopped taking pictures and let them be. It almost felt like they were just normal people on vacation. It was nice. Marshall looked around at all the other people playing in the sand and enjoying themselves. He watched couples kiss and play in the water. He wished they could do that. To an extent they could. They could play in the water and just brush it off like they're just friends hanging out. Long as they don't kiss or anything it'd be fine, right?

"Hey Dre?"
"Can we get in?"
"The water? Yeah why not. It's hot as hell anyways."

They got up and walked down to the water. It was warm, typical for Florida water during the summer. They stayed in the shallows for a while before working their way deeper into the ocean. They walked until the water was up to Marshall's chest. Dre started to go a bit further.
"Where are you going?"
Dre looked back confused "oh yeah you're short. I forgot you can't go that far."
"I'm not that short."
Dre walked back over to Marshall. There were other people in the water but they were far from where they were. Marshall looked down into the water and watched how far he could stick his hand in before it disappeared. He did this a few times before he got an idea. He got a bit closed to Dre and slipped his hand into his. Dre pulled away.

"What are you doing?"
"No one can see it. Look."

Marshall held Dre's hand again under the water. Unless you were really close, you couldn't see it. Dre grabbed both of his hands and smiled. They could be a little normal.
They stayed like that during their time spent in the water. They held hands and played footsie. They got as close to each other as they could without other people noticing. And they were far enough from everyone that they could speak sweetly to one another without worrying whether or not anyone heard them. Their troubles got carried away with the tide. They spent a good two hours or so out in the water before deciding it might be a good idea to go back to shore.
Once they got back onto the beach they decided to lie out for a while longer until they dried off.

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