1. Mark

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Jaeden's POV:
'So I guess soulmates are a thing now. I mean, they have always been. In 1570, people stopped looking for them and lived a normal life, like a normal human being. Yes, people used to have soulmates. But that's a legend now. In my school people still look for their soulmates but I personally think that's stupid. Soulmates don't exist. They're not real. I don't have a soulmate... I think'
"Jaeden Wesley"
I looked up nervously. "H-here", I looked back down.
Some girls giggled and I blushed. Not because of them, because I just embarrassed myself. I'm always too nervous to say "here" when the teacher calls my name... it's stupid, I know. But I'm just really shy... and i have anxiety. I think that influences it. I don't really know though. I guess my personality has always been shy and awkward... so that's why I don't have many friends... I've had the same group friend since I was 5, we've been best friends since I was 7... my closest friend is Sophia... she's really pretty. I don't like her that way though, I see her as my little sister, even tho she's older than me... she has a crush on chosen, my other best friend... he's really really nice and always has your back, even though he might have his own problems too...  I always go for him when I need advice or help, which has been happening since I was 10, when I found out I had a small crush on a boy... he doesn't matter now but I was really confused... my best friend Jeremy also helped me, he's really smart and always helps me study... and then there's jack, he's my best friend too, he has been with me since forever, he's gay, he hasn't admitted it to us yet but we all know... anyway... they all believe in soulmates... jack specially, he has read like 50 books about soulmates and how to find them... he's practically obsessed... I don't mind though, I think it's nice that some people still have hope that one day they'll find their soulmates..'
"Jaeden!", the teacher called.
"Pay attention!", she hissed and continued her class.
I blushed and looked down.
'I just want this day to end'
{time skip to lunch}
'This day never ends! Ugh. I just wanna go home and cry', I sighed for the millionth time.
"Stop sighing and listen to me jaeden!", jack squealed nervously.
I rolled my eyes and stared at him.
"Okay al now that EVERYONE is listening", he looked at me annoyed, "I have some news!"
I rolled my eyes again and sighed.
"What is it?", Jeremy asked worried.
"Yeah tell us jack", chosen agreed.
Sophia just smiled. She probably already knows what's up.
"I read another book about soulmates-"
"Seriously jack?", I interrupted.
Everyone chuckled and jack hit me softly.
"Just listen to me! This ones for real! I swear!", he squealed again.
'This has happened for almost a month, he always comes to lunch talking about a new book and stuff...'
"So I read this book... and it said that soulmates are real..."
I immediately stopped listening.
'Why bother believing that if you're never going to find a soulmate anyway? They're not real. Even though our English teacher said she found her soulmate, I still don't believe in them... and all the legends that say that your soulmate could be right next to you. It's all bullshit. And anyway if I do have a soulmate I don't think they would want to be my soulmate because I'm ugly and stupid. This is all stupid. I dont even  know why I care to think about this...'
"... and that's how you know you've found your soulmate"
I sighed again. "Do you truly believe you'll find your soulmate?"
Everyone looked at me shocked. "What?", I asked confused. "What did I say?"
"J-jaeden...", chosen mumbled.
"What? Do I have something on my face?"
Jack walked to me, he looked like he had seen a ghost. "Jack? Are you okay?"
He grabbed my arm and stared at it. 'What the fuck'
"Jack?", I asked again.
"Y-you... you have the mark", he whispered.
"What? What mark? What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Didn't you listen anything he said?", Sophia said.
I blushed. "No? What's going on?"
Jeremy sighed. "You have the mark"
"What do you mean? Can someone explain what's going on?", I said annoyed.
"You have the soulmate mark... your soulmate is near you"
I laughed. "What?"
They all smiled. "It's okay Jae... we know it's difficult to understand but we'll help you", Sophia smiled again and continued eating.
I huffed. "You'll help me with what? Finding my soulmate? Guys come on... do you seriously mean it?", I laughed again.
They all nodded and continued eating.
"You have to be careful though... look closely for everyone that catches your eye jaeden, you have to find someone that has the same mark as you"
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine"
I knew that if I kept complaining they wouldn't drop the subject.
And as I said, they dropped the subject and continued lunch normally.
'Pfff I've always had this mark... right?'

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