8. Dreams

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Jaeden's POV
After watching three movies we decided to go to sleep. Wyatt didn't want me to sleep on the floor and I didn't want him to sleep on the floor too so we both ended up sleeping in the floor in separate sleeping bags of course. 'Sad. I know'
"What do you think Finn and Jack are doing right now?"
"Making out-"
"It's a fact!"
"Okay true"
We laughed.
"What time is it?"
"Uh... it's 1:24 am"
"Oh shit. We should go to sleep"
"We should", he yawned.
I yawned too. "Night Wy"
"Night Jae"
I smiled. 'Maybe I'll figure it out. Maybe I'll dream what they dream? Maybe they'll dream what I dream- what do I dream? Shit. I dream about Wyatt. They'll be so confused. If it's not Wyatt what am I going to do? What will Wyatt dream? What would he dream? About me? Nah. Birds, yeah that seems about right...'
I closed my eyes and let my imagination rule my mind once again.
After 5 minutes I heard Wyatt sleeping and snoring a bit.
'That's adorable-'
"Jaeden hurry!"
I opened my eyes and looked around.
"Hurry Jaeden!", the voice said again.
"Wyatt?", I whispered.
"Jaeden!", the voice cooed laughing.
'It is Wyatt... but he's asleep?'
I looked at Wyatt. 'Yup. Fast asleep, just like I thought-'
"Hurry!", I heard again.
Suddenly everything became black.
'What the fuck-'

"Jaeden wake up!"
"Huh?", I opened my eyes.
"Are you okay?"
'Wyatt. We're in his room. I was sleeping and then... what did I dream? Shit- did I forget? What happened?'
"Jae! Are you okay?"
I jumped a bit. "I- yes. I'm fine..."
"Are you sure? You're sweating and you were crying?"
"I was?", I touched my face. 'I was crying'
"Are you feeling okay? Did you have a nightmare?"
"My soulmate-"
And then boom. Everything came back.
- flashback -

Suddenly everything became black.
'What the fuck-'
"NO", i heard a scream.
"Hello?", I walked around.
"He doesn't want you", a voice whispered.
"What? Who doesn't? Wyatt?", I asked confused.
"He'll never love you"
"He's too good for you"
"He is...", my eyes became watery.
"He deserves someone better"
"He does...", I let one tear fall.
"You're disgusting"
"I am", two more tears fell.
"He'll reject you"
"I won't tell-"
"He'll say he doesn't want to be your soulmate"
"He isn't-?"
"He'll be disgusted by you"
"He'll ran away and tell the whole school"
"Tell them what?-"
"He'll know your little secret"
"What secret?"
"He'll know that your first soulmate rejected you"
"He'll know that you can't figure things out"
I kept silence.
"He'll know that you're afraid of love"
'This is not me', I cried.
"He'll know that you cry every night hoping he'll love you like you love him"
'Stop it', I sat on the floor.
"He'll know that you're fucked up"
"Stop it", I grabbed my hair.
"He'll know that you're a mess"
"Stop it!", I hugged my knees desperately.
"He'll know that you're a loser"
"Shut up!", I cried like I've never cried before.
"He'll know that you don't deserve him"
"Shut the fuck up!", I felt like I would explode.
"He'll know you're gay for him and he'll ran away"
"SHUT UP", I felt like drowning.
"He doesn't even like you as a friend"
"Leave me alone", I whispered.
"He just feels pity for you"
"Please... stop", i whispered sadly.
"He just feels sorry for your ugly ass"
"...please", I whispered feeling numb.
"You don't deserve him-"
"SHUT UP", I heard.
I jerked my head up and stood up a bit frightened.
'At least I'm not alone?'
"You're a loser"
"STOP IT", the voice cried.
I walked towards the voice.
"You're a fucking mess"
"Stop it", the voice cried.
I ran towards the voice.
"You're fucked up"
Cries. That's all that could be heard.
I kept running towards the cries until I saw them.
A black figure hugging their knees like the world depended on it.
"Hello?", I said softly.
Their head turned to me quickly. "Jaeden?"
"How do you know my name-"
Light. Light surrounded us like fire. It burned. It stung. But I liked it. I felt pain travel my body but I didn't cry. Because I knew that this was my soulmates pain. This is what they feel everyday.
I looked towards the dark figure but they were gone.

- end of flashback -
"I-... I saw my soulmate...", I whispered.
"What?!", he stood up quickly. "Did you see who they were?", he said in a whisper.
"No...", I whispered feeling numb.
"Okay. What did they dream?"
"Th-they are in pa-in Wy... I... I n-need to find th-em", I cried.
"Jae...", he cooed hugging me softly.
'This feels so familiar'
I hugged back and let it all out.
He held me like I was the last person in the world.
I suddenly felt... safe. Safer than I've ever been.
"If you don't feel like... like going birdwatching-"
"Wyatt", I pulled away smiling a bit. "I want to go birdwatching"
"Really? Cause it's okay if you don't feel-"
"I'm okay Wyatt, I promise"
He smiled softly.
"Let's go", I said grabbing my bag and walking towards the toilet.
"What are you doing?", he asked.
"I'm gonna get changed?"
"Oh... yeah. Right", he laughed nervously.
"Are YOU okay?", I smiled watching Wyatt nervously turn around to face me.
"I'm-I'm fine"
I nodded slowly. 'He's lying'
"You sure?"
He nodded quickly and walked away with his clothes, probably to get changed.
"Okay then", I whispered to myself.
I quickly shut the door and got changed. I cleaned my face and fixed my hair.
"You ready?", I heard a knock.
"Almost ready", I said.
"Okay! I'll be downstairs"
When the steps faded away I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Shit", I said realizing how nervous I really was.
'This is not gonna end well'
I quickly opened the door and grabbed my bag with my notebook and some pencils. To draw the birds of course, and maybe Wyatt...
I ran downstairs and smiled at Wyatt.
'He looks hot-'
"You look... hot- I mean pretty... you look pretty", i heard Wyatt say mumbling the last part.
I laughed blushing. "You look... pretty too"
He smiled nervously and blushed.
I smiled back and grabbed his hand opening the door.
"Where to?"
"To the park"
I nodded smiling. "To the park it is"

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