2. Wyatt

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Jaeden's POV:
(Time skip - after school)
"Hey mum?"
"Yes?", she asked giving me all her attention.
"I've always had this mark, right?"
"Let me see", she said grabbing my hand.
I gulped nervously.
"I've never seen that one before..."
I sighed in defeat. "Do you... believe in soulmates?"
I stared at her while she looked down.
"Well, I thought I did... your dad clearly wasn't my soulmate so I don't know what to believe anymore"
"Oh... okay"
She smiled and grabbed my hand once again.
"I don't think this is a birthmark jaeden"
I gasped and pulled my hand away.
She smirked and walked away sassily.
"Your soulmate might be close!", she yelled.
I blushed. "MUM". I ran upstairs to my room.
'Ugh. She doesn't know what she's saying. Soulmates don't exist. I don't have a soulmate. And if I did they probably don't want me anyway. Pretty sure my soulmate doesn't even know I exist. Uh. Duh! You dumbass. That's because you haven't met them yet. I'm so stupid- wait. Did I just admit that I believe in soulmates? No. Freaking. Way. I've always had this mark. It's a birthmark. Nothing else. Just a normal and simple birthmark. Right?'
I sighed loudly and jumped in bed.
'I need a nap'
A loud voice woke me up. "WYATT"
My eyes wandered outside and met some light brown ones. They were so deep and thoughtful. Those eyes immediately disappeared when he looked away. 'Wow' I quickly looked back but the boy was gone.
I sighed. It must be the new neighbors. I thought they arrived next week?
I ran downstairs to see my mum watching tv.
"Hey mum?"
"Yeah?", she smiled.
"I thought the neighbors moved here next week?"
"Oh. Right, they moved yesterday... we should go and welcome them"
"Uh actually I think I'll go do my homework"
"Oh come on. It'll be just 5 minutes!"
"I'll say hi tomorrow"
She sighed and nodded rolling her eyes.
But then her lips twisted in a weird way forming a smirk.
"What?", I asked a bit scared.
"Is it because there's a cute boy? I saw him and-"
"Mum! Of course not! Why would you think that! I'm not gay!", I said trying not to blush.
Okay I admit it. I'm a bit gay. But no. I will not come out to my mum... like this. I should at least have some respect-'
"Oh come on. I know you're at least a bit gay"
I gulped. "Mum! No! I'm gonna go now"
I walked away pissed. 'So what if I'm gay? I am. I think. I am gay right? Or... wdym?! Of course you're gay. You've been gay since you were like 5! You've never liked a girl and you've never had a girlfriend. I am a hundred percent gay. And I'm okay with it. Maybe I should be publicly gay? No. They're gonna bully me more than they already do. Maybe I should come out to my friends. Actually, I think I already have but I should make it clear... yes. Tomorrow. At lunch. Perfect!'
I smiled. 'Tomorrow will be better. I think-'
I groaned. 'What is up with that family? And who is Wyatt? Is it that cute- I mean that normal boy I saw? I don't think I've ever seen eyes like those- no. No. No. You cannot have a crush on him. Specially because he is your neighbor. He probably isn't gay anyway. And I only saw his eyes. He must be ugly. To have eyes like those- stop. It. This. Instant-'
"COMING", a softer voice yelled.
I looked out the window and saw him. 'He is beautiful'
He looked back at me and smiled. 'I've never seen such a gorgeous smile in my life'
I immediately smiled back.
I concentrated on him, his curly brown hair, his honey colored eyes, his lips, still smiling as beautifully as ever. 'He's an angel', was the first thing that came to my mind after checking him out.
I blinked once and he was gone. 'Huh? Where did he-'
"JAEDEN, DINNERS READY", my mum yelled.
"Coming", I whispered, stunned after seeing such angelic beauty.
'Okay. Maybe I have a tiny little crush on my neighbor'

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