5. You should know

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Jaeden's POV
'It's Friday. It's Friday. It's Friday. It's Friday-'
"Are you alright Jae?", a sweet voice said.
"Oh. Yeah, y-yeah. I'm alright. Why? What's up?"
I stared into his brown eyes, melting in them.
"Oh well you haven't said anything and I was a bit worried"
I laughed. 'He's too cute for his own good'
"What are you thinking?", Wyatt smirked.
I blushed and laughed nervously.
"Uh... um..."
"Jack", Wyatt and I said in unison.
"HURRY UP", he jumped.
Wyatt and I looked at each other and snickered.
"Something's up"
"Uh huh", I nodded.
'It's funny how we met on Monday and in just one week he's like my best friend-'
"I SAID HURRY UP JYATT", Jack yelled.
I huffed and ran towards him knowing Wyatt was following.
"Jyatt?", Wyatt asked confused.
'Is that-', I blushed.
"Jaeden + Wyatt = jyatt", Sophia said casually.
"Oh. Cool, I like it", Wyatt smiled.
I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down.
"So... I was reading the same book as last week-"
"About soulmates", I interrupted rolling my eyes.
"Yes now jaeden shut up and listen, this might be helpful for you!"
I rolled my eyes again.
"Thank you. Now what I wanted to say is that you know how soulmates read each other's minds? When they meet for the first time and bla bla bla..."
"Yeah. Yeah, we know", Wyatt said making me laugh.
"Shut it. Gosh you're just like jaeden! Ugh. Okay so as I was saying, after the mind reading and stuff, after all that is completely out you somehow you dream what your soulmate is dreaming... isn't that cool?"
"Very cool. Now let's go", I said walking to my first class.
"WAIT. JAEDEN. UGH", I heard jack behind me.
I stopped and laughed. "What?"
"Have you found them?"
"I think it's Wyatt. Do you think it's Wyatt? He's got a mark too! Maybe the same as you! And I've seen the way he looks at you and how you look at him and it's the cutest thing ever! I can't even begin-"
"Shhhhh", I shushed jack.
"Hey Wy", I smiled blushing once again.
"Hey Jae! What where you guys talking about?"
"Oh. Nothing-"
"Jaeden's soulmate!", Jack squealed.
"Jack!", I hit him.
"Ouch", I gave him a death glare. "Fine", he walked away.
"So you believe in soulmates now?", Wyatt teased.
I snickered. "That's for me to know and for you to find out", and walked away sassily.
'Oh my gosh. How did I do that? That was crazy. Shit. He's in my class. Oh this is just great'
Wyatt's POV:
'OMG THAT WAS SO SMOOTH. How- where did all that confidence- nevermind. Does he know? I don't think he does. He doesn't even believe in soulmates! I know for a fact that he is my soulmate though... I've seen his mark, it's in the same place as mine and I know what he's thinking... or I'm just going crazy... that could be a possibility'
I walked to Jaeden who was about to sit down.
"Hey Jae", I smiled. "Can I sit here?"
He blushed and nodded smiling.
'Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute. Cute'
"So. Do you believe in soulmates?"
'Should I tell him? He probably figured it out. Oh my. What if he doesn't want to be my soulmate? What if he's not gay??'
"I-I think so... I mean I've been hearing another voice in my mind... and I have a mark... but I don't know... why do you ask?"
"Oh. W-well... I just wanted to know because I've been hearing another voice in my mind too", I mumbled.
'Oh shit. He's gonna ask about my mark!'
"Oh really? Do you have a mark? Have you seen their dreams?"
"W-well I-I-"
"Good morning class!", the teacher began.
'Almost! Phew! I'm not sure he wants to know-'
"Psst Wyatt!", Jaeden whispered.
"You're really bad at whispering you know that right?", I whispered back teasing him.
"Fuck you", he smirked.
"Okay", 'SHIT'
"What?", he whispered blushing.
"What?", I blushed too. "What were you going to tell me?", I whispered changing the topic.
"I-Uh I was going to ask you about your mark", he whispered still blushing.
"Jaeden! Is there something you want to share with the class?", the teacher called.
Jaeden looked down. "No.."
"Then pay attention and stop talking!"
Jaeden nodded.
I looked down. "Sorry", I whispered.
"It's fine", he smiled.
'He's so cute. Look at that smile, perfection. And those eyes, they remind me of the ocean!'
"WYATT", my mum yelled.
I opened the door of my room and rolled my eyes. "COMING", I yelled back.
I walked to the stairs but stopped. 'I feel like someone is watching me. Is someone watching me?'
I looked around but nobody was there. 'Outside'. I looked outside and met some light deep blue eyes. They were eyes full of secrets, every emotion hidden ever was inside those ocean eyes. 'What the-'. He smiled. 'OMG LOOK AT THAT SMILE'. I smiled back. I took in his looks. His brown hair, light blue eyes, his lips that curved into a perfect shy smile.
'He's adorable-'
"Wyatt!", my mum yells again. I sigh.
I look back at the boy but he's nowhere to be seen. 'Damn it'...
(End of flashback)
"And that's all for today class!", the teacher yells.
'Damn I spent the whole hour thinking about Jaeden'
"Hey Wy"
"Hey Jae", I smirk.
"Can you please, please show me your mark?"
'Oh no'. "I-Uh... I'll show you when we go bird watching!", I said quickly.
'Ugh. I'm so stupid'
"Oh... okay?"
"Bye!", I yell running to my next class.
'Oof that was close'
Jaeden's POV:
'What the hell?'

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