10. "Shut up and-"

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Jaeden's POV:
We walked silently to the park. I personally like the silence. It's comfortable and I have time to think. 'Which is not very good sometimes but times like this were okay... anyway'
"To the left", Wyatt said smiling slightly.
I grinned walking left, still holding Wyatt's hand. Just thinking about it made me feel chills up my spine.
"Are you sure it's this way?", I asked.
'We've been walking for a long time'
"Are you sure?"
"I've been here before Jae... don't worry", he said while smiling comfortably at me.
I smiled back and kept walking.
'What if we're lost?'
"Are we lost?"
"No Jae"
"Are you sure?"
Wyatt sighed and stopped walking. "Do you trust me?", he said while grabbing both of my hands.
I blushed and looked down. "I-... yes"
He smiled and nodded.
"Good. Let's go then", he said while walking away grabbing me with him.
'We could be lost-'
I smiled knowing I had finally gotten rid of that voice... for now.
'That made me remember the dream-nightmare I had. It was so scary. And that voice reminded me of someone... me actually. It reminded me of myself and that voice'
"Wy?", I whispered feeling goosebumps from the nightmare.
"Yes Jae?", he smiled.
I blushed a bit. "I- do you remember your soulmates dream?"
I saw him make a face. A face I've never seen before.
"Yes. I do remember"
"Oh... what was it about?"
Wyatt smiled dreamingly. "It was beautiful. The dream... that's all I can tell you right now"
I pouted. "What? Why?"
"Because I want to show you something first..."
"Okay.... Wy? C-can I tell you what my soulmate's dream was about?..."
"No!- er- I mean- yes. Fine. You can... tell me"
I looked at him weird. "Okay then. Can I tell you or not?"
"Yes... you can tell me", he smiled awkwardly.
"... i-...My soulmates dream... it was... horrible. I don't know- I felt like I was... drowning? Drowning in words... Hateful... words. I-"
"It's okay Jae", Wyatt comforted me.
"B-but my soulmate-"
"I'm sure they're fine"
"H-ow can you be so sure?"
"I-... oh look! We're here"
I turned to the door in front of us.
"It's a door", I confirmed.
"No shit Sherlock", he laughed. "Of course it's a door. Open it doofus"
I laughed and grabbed the door knob.
I looked back at Wyatt who was staring at me.
"Go on", he smirked.
I smiled nervously and turned the knob.
Pushing the door open I felt hands cover my eyes.
"Wyatt? What are you-"
"Shh. Just keep walking"
"But Wyatt-"
"Trust me"
I saw the blackness. The pointless. The lifeless space. The same one in my soulmates dream.
I heard the same words again. And again. And again.
My eyes became watery and tears started to fall unintentionally.
"You okay?", I heard behind me as I kept walking.
"Y-eah", I whispered feeling more tears fall.
"Close your eyes Jae"
I closed my eyes and felt Wyatt's touch go.
I quickly wiped the tears.
"Stay there and count to 5... when you get to 5 open your eyes"
I nodded and kept my eyes closed.
"1... 2... 3... 4... 5"
I opened my eyes slowly. Sunlight blinding me for 2 solid seconds. My eyes adjusted to the light and I looked around in awe.
'Flowers, trees, more flowers... is this a dream?'
I stared in awe everything around me. Not realizing that one thing was missing.
"Wyatt?", I whispered turning around.
'Nowhere to be seen'
I kept wandering around. Picturing every little detail in my mind, so I could remember this perfect place.
'It looks like a garden. A big garden'
"Jaeden", I heard behind me.
I turned around quickly. A smile escaping my lips.
"Wyatt!", I ran towards him and hugged his torso.
'It's like you haven't seen him in days. Come on Jaeden'
But before I could pull away I felt arms tightly around me.
My face was completely red. I knew that.
"This is just like my dream...", I whispered.
"I know"
I gasped. "... You're my soulmate aren't you?"
We kept hugging each other. I hugged him tighter, if it was even possible.
"... Yes. I'm your soulmate Jaeden"
I pulled away and stared at him. Looking for lies or jokes behind that smile.
But I couldn't find any. Maybe I'm blind. Maybe I'm right. Maybe he's just playing with me and I'm too in love to figure it out.
"... what it said-"
"Yes. I had another soulmate..."
"What happened?"
"... my soulmate rejected me..."
"It's okay Jaeden. I'm over it now"
"... I'm glad that happened then... I really wanted you to be my soulmate..."
He smiled blushing a bit.
I stared at him one more time before I softly pecked his lips.
'That was so quick I didn't even realize that I... I just kissed Wyatt. Omg'
I kept my stare directly into his eyes. Looking for answers. But they had so many hidden words, I couldn't even read one.
Wyatt's POV
I felt like jumping. No. Like if I could do anything. Like if I could climb mountain Everest. No. Run up the mountain Everest. Yes. That's it. I think I feel... happy? No way. I just can't believe- did Jaeden really kiss me? Or is it just my mind making me imagine things? Is he still standing in front of me? Staring at me like I'm the only thing left he's got. I'm sure he's the only thing left I've got in this world.
I feel like. I feel like I should... like I should kiss him again. But not like a simple peck. Like a kiss kiss. Does that even make sense? What if he pulls me away- no. He kissed you first. That means he won't pull away... right? Fuck it.
I quickly grabbed his face and smashed my lips with his.
I felt Jaeden smile while we kissed.
He pulled away blushing. I guess we're twining...
Jaeden slowly opened his mouth. "I-"
"I love you", 'shit'
I looked down trying not to cry.
'Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid'
"Wyatt I-"
"It's okay Jae. Really. I know it's too soon or whatever but I couldn't-"
"I love you too!"
I jumped a bit frightened.
"You wh-what?", I asked hoping this was real.
"I love you too Wy"
I looked up and Jaeden smirked making me blush even more.
'He loves me. He- shit. Jaeden loves me!!'
"I-... are you sure?"
I stared at Jaeden seriously while he tried not to burst out laughing.
"I'm sure"
"Really? Like for real?..."
"Cause I want to make sure-"
"Right. Sorry"
"I love you okay?"
"No. I'm in love with you actually"
"... I'm in love with you too..."
"Really? For real?", Jaeden mimicked.
"Oh shut up and kiss me asshole"

                     THE END FUCKERS

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