7. Love is a strange thing-

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'... well shit. I am in love with Wyatt-'
"You okay?", I hear beside me.
"Yeah. Why?"
"I dunno you tell me dude"
"Uh- I'm just thinking..."
"Oh. Yo- my crush"
'yOu AlMoSt FuCkEd Up'
'He kinda sounded disappo-'
"Can you tell me who it is?"
"Please? I promise I won't tell anyone"
"I can't tell you"
"Do I know them?"
'Very well'
"I-I think so", I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Oh... is it someone from our class?"
"... is it a boy?"
'Phew. Almost. That was really close'
"Oh hey Sophia!", I faked a smile.
"Hey guys!", a voice behind Sophia said.
"Jeremy?", Wyatt and I said smiling.
"What's up guys?", he smiled.
"Where you guys hanging out?", Sophia smirked.
"Uh- yes. Is that a problem?", I sent Sophia a death glare.
"Not at all", she snickered.
"Sophia and i were just going to get ice creams, do you guys wanna come with?"
"Oh no thanks. Wyatt and I just ate but we should all go next week or something..."
"Sure! That would be cool"
Sophia smirked again. "See ya gays!"
They ran off.
I blushed. "She's mean"
I turned around and kept walking silently.
"Are you though?"
"Are you... uh- gay?"
'SHIT- just tell him'
"I- Uh... y-es. I'm... gay"
I looked down. Silence took over.
An awkward one.
'Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit-'
"Me too", I heard beside me.
"You're gay?!", I squealed.
I looked up. He was already looking at me.
I smiled at him, a real smile and he smiled back almost instantly.
"That's good... lets go then"
I grabbed his hand. Now i felt confident. Admitting that I'm gay out loud wasn't that bad at all. It was great actually.
Wyatt's POV
'I have a chance with him. He's my soulmate I obviously have a chance- but I heard that one time there was a boy who's soulmate was another boy but he wasn't gay so he didn't want to be his soulmate and ignored him until he killed himself- that's not gonna happen to me... right? What if he decides that I'm not good enough? Should I even tell him? He'll find out eventually... what if he already knows? What If he rejects me and I kill myself? I don't know what I would do if he rejected me... I would die. Literally. He's my everything. I can't live without now that we're so close. I... love him'
"Look at that bird Wy! It's beautiful!", jaeden squealed like a little kid.
I smiled blushing. "Adorable"
"Me or the bird?", he joked.
"You", I smirked knowing he was a blushing mess.
'Maybe just maybe he likes me back. And maybe just maybe... I'm in love with jaeden liebeher'
- two hours later -
"You have many talents... cooking is not one of them", Jaeden laughed.
"Ouch", I gasped touching my chest and pretended to wipe a fake tear. "Jaeden thinks I can't cook", I cried.
I looked up and saw him holding a laugh.
"You burned popcorn!", he let out a giggle.
I blushed. "Oh shut it", I mumbled.
"Let's watch ET"
"You've watched ET?", I said excitedly.
'There's a reason why he's your soul-'
"Are you kidding? I love ET!"
"Omg! Uh... have you watched back to the future?"
"Which one?"
"Oh my gosh! i love you"
Silence. 'Shit'
"I mean- sorry. I- I wasn't supposed- shit. Sorry Jae... I didn't know-"
"It's okay Wy", he laughed.
I blushed looking down. "Let's watch ET then"
I sighed. 'I fucked up didn't I?'
Jaeden's POV
'OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG- I cant believe he said I love you... wait. He's got a soulmate. He can't love me... and even if he did love me... no- he loves me in a best dudes way... I think. I hope not- he's got a soulmate! Stop it'
Suddenly I felt sad. 'I wish Wyatt was my soulmate. He clearly isn't though... i would've known... but he deserves someone better anyway. I'm a mess. And I'm pretty sure my soulmate already knows I'm their soulmate and they are hiding from me... I don't think anyone would want me as their soulmate... who would want to deal with my shit?-'
"Are you okay?", I heard beside me.
'How did he-' "What do you mean?"
"You're crying?"
'Shit' "Oh... I was-"
"It's okay... wanna talk about it?"
"I-", suddenly tears came like the rain.
'Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit'
"Come here Jae"
I nodded and moved towards him. I felt his arms around me.
"You don't have to talk about it but I think you'll feel better if you tell me"
"You can trust me okay?"
'Shit. Should I tell him?'
"I-I think i do-nt hav-e a-a soul-mate", I blurted out. 'Holy shit-'
"What? Why would you say that?"
"I d-ont know... th-ey proba-bly de-serve some-one better any-way... th-ey woul-d n-never lo-ve someon-e li-ke m-me..." 'great. I'm sobbing now.'
"No. Jaeden don't say that. I'm pretty sure he- your soulmate loves you a lot"
"T-then why wou-ld th-ey h-hide fr-om m-e?"
'I'm full on crying in front of Wyatt. That's so embarrassing. He's probably gonna think that I'm a baby'
"Maybe they're just scared that you won't love them? Who knows... Maybe they're scared of rejection"
"W-hy would I re-ject the-m?"
"You w-wouldn't?"
Wyatt's POV
'What if he actually rejects me? Maybe he knows. What if I broke his heart? I don't think so. He's so perfect. I don't deserve someone like him. What if he figured it out? Would he blame me for not telling him? What if he gets mad at me? Or worse. What if he thought I was someone else?'
"T-then why wou-ld th-ey h-hide fr-om m-e?"
'WHAT? HIDE- shit. Maybe I've been hiding for too long. He'll figure it out sooner or later. Maybe I should just tell him- no. Not yet'
"Maybe they're just scared that you won't love them? Who knows... Maybe they're scared of rejection", I whispered. 'Was that too obvious?'
"W-hy would I re-ject the-m?"
'He wouldn't?' "You w-wouldn't?"
"No! Of c-course no-t! They're my soulm-mate! Why wou-ld I re-ject the per-son that w-will lov-e me for wh-o I am?"
"O-oh... I thought that because you didn't believe in soulmates that maybe you would reject them?" 'Okay. That was real obvious.'
"I didn't... but now I d-do... I believe in soulmates, I me-mean- it has been pretty obvi-ous. I have the m-mark, I've heard their though-ts and wh-who knows? May-be tonight I'll dream what they d-dream-"
"Shit! I forgot about that!"
"Oh. Did I say that out loud?"
"Yeah", he giggled softly. 'Adorableeee-'
I smiled. "Ha-ve you dreamt their drea-ms?", he asked.
'Lie? No' "not yet-"
"Wait really??", 'he sounds so surprised? I wish I could hear what he's thinking right now'
"Yeah... why? What are you thinking?"
"Oh nothing"
"Is it that impressive that I've never dreamt what they dream?"
"Yes!- I mean. Well I thought you already knew who your soulmate was so-"
"I do"
"What? Since when? Who is it?"
"I... I can't tell you yet"
"Why not? Is it someone I know?"
'Yes' "maybe"
"Can you please tell me?", he pouted.
"Really cute but no"
"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", he pouted again making the eyes.
'I might as well tell him- no! Remember the plan'
"Holy- that's adorable but no"
"Please Wy?" 'He's blushing! That's so cuteeeee'
"Are you blushing? Did I make you blush?", I teased him.
He hid under a pillow. "No! Of course not! That's ridiculous! Stop teasing me Wy"
I laughed. 'At least he's back to normal'
"When will you tell me?", he pouted again.
"I don't know Jae-"
"Please Wy?"
He jumped around happily.
"Yes", I laughed. 'He looks like a puppy'
'Why is he so excited to know who my soulmate is?'
"Yay!", he hugged me.
'Please don't tell me I'm blushing- shit.'
"Awww Wy you're blushing", he laughed.
"Shut it Jae. You're blushing too", I smiled.
'Maybe he won't reject me. Just maybe he loves me back'

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