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Two weeks have passed since Sansa was attacked. There is some speculation as to who committed this atrocity , but no proof . It was clear that whoever took Sansa thought that she was a maid at Winterfell . After interviewing all the staff separately it was determined that they had nothing to do with the abduction. Sansa's chambermaid was wracked with guilt that she had let Lady Sansa borrow her clothes that fateful afternoon to go into town unnoticed . She had informed Jon and Robb that Lady Sansa had just wanted some privacy and fresh air  that afternoon and felt that if she went with her guards and in her normal attire she would be the subject of too much attention so she had asked to borrow the maids clothes and cloak . After checking out her story it appeared the poor woman was telling the truth .

Sansa had finally awoken fully after two weeks . Catelyn had been by her side constantly . Sansa had drifted in and out of consciousness , but seemed to be in her right senses this morning . Sansa woke up and immediately noticed Catelyn on her bed next to her . It hurt to move but Sansa tried to move herself up on the bed . Her right arm had been immobilized .  Her right ankle seemed to be as well . Her eyes were open but they seemed heavy . She noticed the vision in her right eye seemed blurred slightly. Her mouth was also sore. 

Catelyn : Sansa , my darling you're awake . How are you feeling ?

Sansa :  { Her voice was still hoarse from nonuse .} I am sore and tired  . What day is it? 

Catelyn : {Thinking }. I'm not sure myself . It doesn't matter , you're awake thats all that matters . Let me get you something to eat . 

Sansa nods and sinks back into the pillows. 

Catelyn pulls herself up and starts to put on her robe and slippers .

Catelyn: Anything you want my dear ?

Sansa : shakes her head 

Catelyn : I will be right back .

As Catelyn opens the chamber doors ,   Jon is just about to knock on the door . Catelyn  is startled to see him .

Catelyn : Jon , what are you doing here so early ?

Jon : Well its not so early, and I just wanted to check how she was before I started my day.

Catelyn : { looking hopeful } She is fully awake , thank the Gods. I'm  just heading to the kitchens to get her some breakfast . Jon will you sit with her until I come back ? I will bring your breakfast here as well . 

Jon : Yes I will sit with her , and I have already eaten.

Catelyn nods and leaves. 

Jon enters the chambers and it looks like Sansa is still sleeping . He goes and sits in the chair next to her .  Sansa open her eyes as he sits down . She seems frightened for a second and then calms down when it seems she recognizes Jon .She struggles to lift herself up off the pillows . Jon instinctively gets up to help her and adjusts her on the pillows . 

Sansa : How long have I been sleeping ?

Jon : Well you've been in and out , its been about two weeks . { Sansa looks scared , she doesn't say anything} . It's ok Sansa , as long as you're awake , its just going to take time that's all. { She nods still not speaking , Jon slowly takes her left hand and looks her in the eye. } Everything will be ok , it's just going to take time . You're a brave girl and you've been through a lot.{ Sansa closes her eyes and tears start to fall from the corner . Jon takes his thumb and gently wipes away her tears .} 

A few minutes pass.

Catelyn comes in with a breakfast tray. Jon starts to take his hand away and Sansa just grips it harder so he stills himself . Catelyn looks down to notice their joined hands and leaves the tray at the table . 

Catelyn: Jon will you be a dear and start feeding Sansa while I get Master Luen ? He had wanted to see Sansa . 

Jon :  Yes, certainly .

Catelyn leaves .

Jon : { Looking at Sansa } what should we start with my Lady ? 

Sansa : Water 

Jon : Yes of course . 

Jon places the tray to the side and sits as close to Sansa as he can to feed her . He picks up the glass of water and realizes the angle is awkward so he has to sit on the bed in front of Sansa. He puts the glass up to her mouth , but since her mouth is still swollen half the water dribbles out.{ Sansa looks embarrassed and starts to try to wipe her mouth } Jon takes out his handerkerchief and gently wipes her mouth . Then he gets a spoon and starts feeding her the water with a spoon . Then he coaxes Sansa into having some bone broth . She is reluctant but when Jon tells her that this will hasten her recovery she agrees . A good half an hour passes and Sansa has managed to eat a good portion of her breakfast .  They do not speak as Jon feeds her . Sansa seems lost in a deep reverie and Jon does not want to push her . 

After awhile Catelyn returns with Master Luen . 

Catelyn : I'm sorry it took so long but the Master was busy attending someone. 

Jon :  Sansa has had a good portion of her breakfast . I think I will get going now .{ Jon starts to get up off the bed and Sansa reaches for him with her good hand }

Sansa : Will you come back ? { She whispers }

Jon : Yes , I will come back . As soon as I take care of some things I will be back . 

Sansa just nods. Jon gives her a smile and leaves.

After Jon leaves Sansa sinks back into the pillows and grimaces . 

Catelyn : Darling is it ok if the Master examines you . Sansa just nods. 

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