An Answer

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A few days have passed since Sansa spoke to Roslin. She is dreading speaking to Robb and she thinks she owes it to Jon to speak to him first in case there is even a spark of a possibility that Roslin is correct and that Jon has feelings for her more than duty or obligation . 

Sansa :  Jon ?

Jon : Hmm?

Sansa : Can we go for a walk in the gardens?

Jon : Yes , let me finish this paperwork up and we will go outside directly.

Sansa : There is no rush , I just wanted to speak to you.

Jon : Anything important?

Sansa : No , I just wanted a few minutes of your time .

Jon ( chuckling ) : A few minutes My Lady ? You can have the whole day . 

Sansa :  You are so kind to me Jon . Are you this kind to everyone?

Jon : Well I try to be kind . Otherwise , this world is a cruel place Sansa . You better than anyone know that .

Sansa : Jon if you could do anything  over , what would you do ?

Jon : I don't know . I don't know if I would DO anything over but I wish that I would have known my mother and also my father better . I can't help but resent Brandon Stark for impregnating a girl and just leaving her . I know he was royalty and all , but then he shouldn't have put a young girl in that position . What kind of a man does that Sansa ?

Sansa : I don't know Jon , but I do know that he was incredibly proud of you and you were the light of his life . I don't know why he could have not have  bent the rules and married your mother .

Jon : Don't get me wrong Sansa I loved him , I love him still . But respect ? No . He wronged my mother . ( Jon is getting emotional). I can never understand that or forgive it . 

Sansa : So duty means everything to you ? I know this is painful Jon , but maybe he just did not love her and that is why he did not marry her . 

Jon : She was good enough to sleep with , but not good enough to marry ? He should have married her the moment he found out she was with child . He didn't . He didn't even try to .

Sansa : I think he knew he couldn't and that's why he didn't pursue it .

Jon : That's the cowards way out . But I guess he could have denied me my birthright as well.

Sansa : Jon...

Jon : You're right he did not love my mother , but so what ? Robb did not love Roslin when he married her either , you do not need love to be married .

Sansa : It helps . Robb married Roslin because he had to , he was lucky though they have found love with one another .

Jon : Ayy , they were lucky they found love in their marriage .

Sansa : I know that you married me for duty Jon , but that reason is no longer here . I want to give you a chance to find love ,  a love like my parents had . We can annul the marriage and you can find true love . That is what I want for you . 

Jon : Annul ? What are you talking about ? The babe was supposed to be mine . We can't annul the marriage , the whole reason for the marriage would be a waste then.

Sansa( tearing up ) :  I want you to have a real marriage , full of love and laughter and children . I am so grateful to you Jon , I could not repay you in 10 lifetimes for what you have done for me .  Let me do this for you , I want to set you free so you can choose . 

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