Moving Forward

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Just as promised Jon shows up for breakfast at Sansa's door , she has been up for hours .

Jon : Good Morning , I thought we should speak before breakfast .

Sansa : You want to have breakfast with everyone in the main hall?

Jon : Yes , but we need to speak in private first .

Sansa : Alright .

Jon :  Look Sansa , I don't mean to pressure you but the truth is that time is short for us . What I mean to say is that people will find out about the babe fairly quickly , so if  I claim the  babe is mine , the timeline has to make sense .   Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you ?

Sansa : Yes ( she lets out a long sigh) . Are you sure ? Don't do this because you think you owe someone something . I don't want you to do this out of some sort of sense of debt you think you owe my parents or Robb or Arya or I don't know.

Jon : What are you talking about ? 

Sansa : Look I know my parents raised you as their son , and  they loved  you , you are their son . You don't owe Ned Stark this , you deserve happiness in your life . 

Jon : Sansa I'm not doing this for Ned Stark!

Sansa : Maybe because you somehow think Robb and Arya are responsible somehow because of what Ramsey said . Believe me I don't hold anyone responsible for anything ,  well  maybe just the GODS. 

Jon : You are way off base here . Sansa I want this because I want to be there for you,  and I want to protect you,  and I think you are a good person . And because I want you to stay in Winterfell here with your family  and I don't want you or the babe to be mistreated . 

Sansa : { she is overwhelmed with emotion}  thank you, I can never repay you . 

Jon : Look we are friends , I care for you and I will never hurt you and I know you care for me and will be loyal to me . We are already family , this makes sense. 

Sansa : What do you want to do ?

Jon : I'm going to speak to Robb and Aunt Catelyn , we should marry quickly to avoid any suspicions . 

After breakfast Jon asks Catelyn and Robb to meet him in his solar in the afternoon  and for Robb to fill her in on what was discussed the previous evening ,

Jon : So Aunt Catelyn has Robb filled you in on what happened last night and what was discussed about Sansa and her situation ? 

Catelyn walks up to Jon and cups his face gently .

Catelyn : Jon I cannot tell you how grateful I am for this offer , but you don't have to do this .  You are as much my child as the rest and I won't trade one child's happiness for another's. There will be another way , the Gods cannot be so cruel as to abandon Sansa and her babe . Something will work out I believe that.

Robb : Mother for once be practical , time is of the essence here . Sansa will not be able to hide the babe for very long.  Jon and I have discussed this nobody is forcing him or guilting him into anything . And he is her cousin and a Stark , she can stay at Winterfell and no one will mistreat her or  the babe . 

Jon : Aunt Catelyn , Robb is right we have discussed this . I am not going to let Sansa be married off and have to live a lie about the babe  and if by chance anyone finds out about her attack you don't know how they will react .. There is no way to know if Sansa will be  treated well . At least here we both know what we are getting into. She and I have a good friendship and I don't want her babe to grow up without a father , I don't want there to be another Bastard of Winterfell. 

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