In the hospital

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Connor's POV

It was dark, complete darkness

I saw a light and started going towards it

As I got closer I began to hear things, voices of people I know

I opened my eyes

I was looking at Kian, he was yelling at the guys to call an ambulance

"Kian" I said in a groggy voice

"Oh my god, Connor you're awake, Guys Connor's awake" Kian yelled

"The ambulance should be here in 3 minutes" trev said

It went dark again

I awoke in a hospital bed next to Sam

"Hey Sam, it's me Con"

"Hey Connor, what happened to you?" Sam asked

"Oh I passed out, I guess I was dehydrated"

"Oh ok, I'm glad it was nothing serious" Sam said relieved

"Hey Sam can I ask you something?"

"Sure thing c..." Sam stopped mid sentence


He didn't answer

"Sam" I yelled

He still didn't answer

"Doctor, help, come quick, it's Sam!"

The doctor and 2 nurses ran in

I heard multiple beep repetitions then all of a sudden there was one long beep

"We need to get him into the operating room stat" the doctor said

The 2 nurses rushed him out of the room leaving me alone and confused

The doctor came back into the room about an hour later

"Hello Connor, Sam's heart has stopped so we have to operate on him to see why. He should be back in a few hours." the doctor said

A couple days have passed, Sam was back in his bed but he hasn't waken up yet.

The doctors are letting me leave today, but I have to go to consoling to help me deal with my problems

Jc drive me home, to be greeted by Ricky

I was still mad at Ricky, but I was too upset about all that has happened to care

"Hey Rickers"

"Hey Connor, do you need anything?" Ricky said sweetly

"No, I will be upstairs"

I waddled upstairs to my room and went on tumblr for the rest of the night

I thought Troye was ignoring me, but he had messaged me over a thousand times.

Troye has been filming Spud 2 so he hasn't been able to come see me

He said he will come see me soon

I shot a quick video explaining why I didn't have a video on Monday, no editing, and uploaded it, then went to bed

My plans for tomorrow are to go to consoling, then to go see Sam in the hospital.

//we will find out if Sam is paralyzed next chapter. Tronnor is coming soon

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