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Bethany's POV

I was freaking out, Connor was blacking out, I was so scared

I love Connor so much, I don't want him to die

I kept crying, I tried to stay strong but I couldn't

I knew Connor had a past with self harm and I knew he was suicidal

Before this happened everything was fine

We were all sitting around the table enjoying a nice meal, and then Connor proposed

Which I thought was great

Anyway, everything was going great, perfect almost

I volunteered to help Connor's mom with the dishes to make a good first impression

Tyler, Connor, and Mr. Franta went and watched tv.

I noticed Connor went upstairs about an hour later

We finished up the dishes, and Tyler and Mr. Franta finished their show

We all went to our rooms, and went to bed, and by went to bed I mean went on social media all night

Connor was in his room when I came upstairs, he usually says goodnight so I was worried that he hasn't come out of his room yet

I wrote this little note for Connor, in hopes to cheer him up

I think Troye and Connor had a fight so he was probably feeling down

The note was about how I love him, and what a great friend he is

I slid it under his door, then I heard foot steps, so I scurried back to my room and went to sleep

I heard a thump but thought nothing of it

I heard someone get up a few minutes later

Connor's door was opened, but not shut

I then heard Troye screaming for us

I ran into Connor's room to find him on the floor unconscious

I don't really remember what happened, it all went so fast

Connor's parents woke up from Troye's screaming, so they called an ambulance

About 5 minutes later an ambulance showed up

They put Connor on a gurney and put him into the ambulance

Tyler, Troye, and I piled into the ambulance, and Connor's parents followed in their car

I held Connors hand the whole time, I didn't want to let go, I couldn't let go

Everything was going fine, in fact Connor would keep waking up then blacking out again which is good because it means he's not in a coma

Connor woke up and looked at me

I got butterflies even though what was happening, gosh he has amazing eyes

He was about to say something when...

//Sorry it was short. I hope everyone has an amazing holiday.

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