Stage 4

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Ch 20

Bethany's POV•••••••••••••••••••••••••

I opened my eyes

A nurse was next to me checking my vitals

"Hello Bethany, how are you feeling"

"I'm fine"

"Does anything hurt, is anything sore?" She asked

"My head kind of hurts"

"Oh yes, when the crash happened you hit your head and we had to give you stitches"

"Oh o-o-ok"

That was weird, I've never stuttered before

"You should sleep some more, your parents should be here soon, but in the mean time get some rest" she said as she left the room

Troyes POV••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

I was in a bed next to Connor

If I only I could reach his hand

I hope he's ok I don't want to loose him

I looked down and saw a bandage on my leg

A doctor came in and was a bit surprised to see me awake

"Troye Sivan, you're at the hospital, how do you feel"

"My leg feels weird"

"Oh that's because you were stabbed by some medication in your leg that caused you to pass out, the pain will wear off and you should be fine"

"Ok thank you doctor"

"Oh before I forget, that young man next to you said tell Troye I love him"

"Ok thank you so much" I said with the biggest smile on my face

"Get some rest"

The doctor left

"I love you too" I said softly

Tyler's POV•••••••••••••••••••••••••

Everyone went to the emergency room except me

I was fine but I had a little cough


That didn't help

*cough cough*

That made it worse, I feel like I'm choking

I kept coughing until i spat up something

It went on the floor

I looked down and I saw it was blood

I vomited at the sight of this

Unfortunately it was not food that came up but only more blood

A couple nurses saw and ran over

They put me on a gurney and assigned me to a room

Oh look it was Bethany's room

She was asleep, I wish I was

I kept vomiting blood, I felt like I was going to die

To help me breathe and not choke on my blood the nurse put a tube down my nose and into my lungs

A doctor rushed in and confirmed I had internal bleeding

The hospital staff pushed me down the hall to the operating room

I was then put to sleep, a few hours later I woke up

The doctor had to pump all the blood out of my insides

I was back in Bethany's room


I heard a small quiet voice

"Tyler" I heard again

It was Bethany

"Yeah" I said in a whisper

"I'm glad I didn't loose you"

I blushed then went to sleep, went to sleep or passed out from all the medication

Bethany went to sleep to, turns out her parents didn't come because of a big snow storm

Mr. Franta's POV••••••••••••••••••••

I woke up next to an empty gurney

I was still a bit confused from the accident so I thought nothing of it

A doctor came in

"Excuse me, hello, do you know why I'm in here and where my wife is?" I said

"Well sir, you got into a car accident a few hours ago" she said

"Well do you know where my wife is"

"Yes, room 218, but sir.."

I threw off my blanket and swung my legs off the bed to go to her room

As soon as I stood up I fell

My legs I can't feel them

I can't stand or walk, I think I'm paralyzed

How am I supposed to live a normal life paralyzed

I couldn't really take it all in, I was still worried about my wife

I called out her name

A few nurses helped me back onto the bed as I began to cry

I'm paralyzed, my wife could be dead, and I might loose my son, I might as well die

I cried my self to sleep that night

Connors Moms POV••••••••••••••••••

I felt a little shoving

It was a nurse

A nice young lady trying to wake me up

"Hello, Mrs. Franta, can you hear me"

I groaned

Apparently I've been unconscious for a couple days and she wanted to see if I was responsive

A doctor came in with a serious look on his face

Oh god, it's Connor I hope he didn't die I can't loose my baby

"Mrs. Franta, I have some news I need to inform you about"

I looked at him ready to burst into tears

"It's seems when we did a cat scan to make sure your vitals were normal we found something"

Ok it's not about Connor, why is he talking about me I'm fine

"It seems we have found a large tumor"

"What do you mean" I said baffled

"You have stage four brain cancer"

//yep lets have a moment so you can take that all in,
You good? Ok that was that. And yeah nothing much to say. I hope you're having a good week and follow me on twitter: @lovekikilawl13

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