Sam is...

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Connor's POV

I got into the car and headed to my consoling place.

After an hour of talking about what had happened it ended and I left.

I went to the hospital to check on Sam.

Once I got there I went straight to his room, then talked to the doctor about his condition.

"Hey Doctor, how is Sam doing? Can he come home today?"

"Yeah we just need someone to fill out some paper work and he's all good." The doctor replied

Sam's mom came and filled out the forms, I said I would take him home so she left.

I was ready to go, just had to get Sam.

Standing by his bed, I waited for him to get his things.

He stood up

Then fell

"Doctor, come quick it's Sam!" I yelled

He ran in and helped him up

Sam was paralyzed

Sam had to stay at the hospital for a few more days, and has to attend physical therapy to help him with his legs.

I stayed with Sam the whole time, and I called the guys and his mom and told them the news.

It was getting late so I curled up into a little ball on the hard chairs and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Sam's POV

I was about to text Connor back, my car got a flat tire so I was running a bit late.

I looked down at my phone for 2 seconds, and then it went dark.

All I remember was waking up in a hospital with my mom next to me.

I guess they did surgery on me, because my abdomen was wrapped up.

I remember Connor being next to me and we were talking.

He asked if we could talk or something, I don't remember the rest.

I think I fell asleep or passed out because it went dark again.

Well I woke up again, and the doctors told me I could go home soon.

It was the day I could go home, Connor came to drive me, and my mom stopped in to sign some papers.

Connor was ready to go and so was I so I got up, but I didn't stand.

I fell down, I couldn't feel my legs, they were numb.

The doctor said Im paralyzed.

I can't believe I will never be able to walk again.

I'm just happy I'm alive, to know that I can still make videos for my amazing subscribers is the best.

I have to go to therapy which will suck, but maybe it will help me walk again.

I went to sleep, then awoke to find Connor on this little hospital chair, I felt so bad.

I thought it was really sweet he stayed with me all night, Connor is the best, if only he was gay.

"Hey Con"

He woke up and said in a sleepy voice

"Hey buddy, how ya doing?"

"Good besides the whole paralyzed thing"

We both smirked then Connor left to get some coffee (surprise there).

Connor came back with cheep decaf coffee and day back in the chair

"Hey Connor you were telling me something before I fell asleep"

"Oh yeah um..there is something important I've been meaning to tell you" he said in a nervous tone

That was weird why is he nervous, I hope he's ok

"Ok well I'm here if you want to talk about it"

"Sam I'm..."

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