Chapter 19 - Talk To Me

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Nikki -

I'm so glad that everyone is gone. I love Mick and Vince, and I'm grateful that I have people in my life who stick up for me, and who forego their own agenda to do what's best for me. They have every right to be upset. And maybe they are, but they were kind enough to not make me feel like a complete asshole for shutting down the tour. Although, it seems like it was going to be shut down anyway. Nearly dying does have it's benefits. Everyone is nice to me for a change. I'm sure it won't last. I'll milk it and enjoy it while I can. But, I couldn’t wait for them to leave.

It's just me and Tommy now. I'm not sure how things are going to go between us. I am still bitter about what happened, but I haven't exactly been pleasant to him.

I lock my front door in case someone decides to return. Bob might be planning a raid for all I know. I turn around and motion for Tommy to head in my living room. I stop in the kitchen and get my whiskey. I found more bottles that I had stashed around over the last few days. I walk to my living room, bottle in hand. I open it in front of Tommy, and down a good amount, then offer the bottle to him. He shakes his head no. I just place it on the coffee table, in front of us. 

"How's your nose?" I ask, to break the silence. He tells me it's fine. I tell him that I'm sorry it came to that. He shakes his head, and says he's over it, and then tells me that he shouldn't have rifled through my bag. I shrugged. While I agree with him, I know why he did it. He worries about me.

"How did you know I was buying again? That was my first and only delivery." 

Tommy sighs, and says, "Because when you don't answer your fucking door or phone, I have to get sneaky. You should probably tell your scum ass dealer not to talk business in public places. When you didn't answer your door for the 2nd time that day, I left to get something at the liquor store, with a plan to come back, and then maybe try to break in or whatever. That is until I overheard someone mention your name while I was in the store. Yup, I saw your dealer, talking to some chick about you. I got back here before him, and watched his knock. That's all it took. If you weren’t going to rehab, I recommend finding a new dealer who’s not going to put you at risk. And, by the way, nice fucking transaction you made at your door. That was pretty dumb, I might say."

“Fuck you, Tommy. Should mind your own damn business and stay out of mine.” 

I’m pissed. I don’t like him criticizing me. I know I shouldn’t have done the transaction at my door, but I just needed that fucking asshole gone quickly. I’m supposed to be trying to work things out with Tommy, but he’s fucking making me angry already. 

Tommy speaks up, and says, “Your business is my business if we’re involved with each other.” 

I tell Tommy that I already told him that I wasn’t his to have anymore. 

“You didn’t seem to mind when I laid down next to your ass in bed earlier. You held my fucking hand,” Tommy points out.

I grab the whiskey, and pound some more. I don’t have a retort for Tommy. What he said is true. He’s just pissing me off, and I’m getting reckless with my words. I didn’t want to go in this direction, I just wanted to get to what happened at the club. I can’t even find a segway to that.

I just sit on the couch, and rub my hands down my face. Just fucking say something Tommy, that I can respond to. Instead, he sits silently too, reaching for the whiskey. “Thought you didn’t want any?” 

“I fucking changed my mind. Maybe you’ll begin to make more sense to me if I’m drunk,“ Tommy says in a pissy tone. 

“Ha, funny. You and drunk don’t mix so well,” I say, possibly finding my segway to get to the club incident. 

Don't Go Away Mad // Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee - LexxWhere stories live. Discover now