Chapter 21 - Posters

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A filler chapter for the end to wrap up my trilogy with a pretty, little bow. It ties up a few loose ends, and is more candid, just for fun.

OK, so I’m a bit of Nikki fanatic. I tried to make the events in my fan-fiction book equal between our 2 anti-heroes. Their amount of dialogue is roughly equal, but topically, it's more about my boy, Sixx. I guess I can’t help it. I gave Tommy some cut-up dialogue here while Nikki’s sleeping his ass off. Just something a little goofier to end on, so enjoy Tommy fans.

**Trigger warning - reference to an eating disorder.


Tommy is my dream boy. He just made me feel so incredibly fucking good. I am completely drained. If I had to piss right now, I think that I would just piss my bed. I don’t want to move. I’ve had but one night of decent sleep since my overdose. Every other night I’ve been plagued with pain, uncontrolled bodily functions, bad moods, and drug and alcohol binges.

When I pass out from narcotics, it’s not the same as sleep. My body is working overtime to keep me alive, instead of restoring my cells and shit like that. I think that I just want to lie here for the rest of the night.

It feels like midnight, but I’m pretty certain that it’s a lot earlier than that, otherwise Tommy wouldn’t still be here. I know that he has to go home tonight. I wish he could stay. I get it though.

That thought suddenly snaps me awake. Fuck, Tommy! I never ask him if he needed something from me. I mean I did give him a suprise blowjob, but I didn’t offer to fuck him. I wonder if the blowjob counts though. Should be fucking bonus points. Shit, I hope so because I don’t think that I can. I’m fading out fast, and I already shot my load. I couldn’t help it.

When Tommy was bucking on me to get himself to cum, the friction between us made me spill out too. I don’t recover fast like Tommy does. I have to ask him though. I don’t want to give him a reason to be fucking pissy with me all over again.

I ask, and thank fuck he said no. I’m just going to crash now. A few minutes later, I’m awoken by Tommy cleaning me up, and asking me for my alarm code. Don’t know why, don’t care. “58 19, as in my birth year backwards.” That’s the last thing I remember. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-


Dammit. Sixx spilled out between our bodies. I look down, and now see his sticky semen on my belly and matted into my happy trail. I need to clean myself off now, or it’s going to be a real bitch later.

I can’t let Heather see any evidence of this. How would I explain that? She would think that it’s mine, but still, how would I explain that? Uh, I was jerking off? She won't buy that bullshit. I’m supposed to be at a meeting, and I told her that the guys and I would probably eat out afterwards.

I gotta get this sap off of me. I get up from underneath Nikki’s arm and head to the bathroom. I clean myself up with a warm washcloth and soap. I bring it out to clean Nikki too. He’s barely conscious. As I’m wiping him down, I decide that I’m still going to lie down with him for a little while, but I need to leave soon.

I’ve resolved that I’m going to come back in the morning after Heather leaves for work. She has a full day of filming for her TV show tomorrow. I need to know his alarm code, and find a spare key. I’ve stirred him already with the cleaning, so I’m just going to ask for his code now. He tells me. Got it, just like your birth year; clever Nikki, you’re a fucking genius, as I roll my eyes. At least I’ll remember it.

I toss the washcloth on the sink, and get back in bed with Nikki, who’s laying on his back now, since I rolled him over to clean him up. I lay on my side, and put my arm around him. I wonder if he’s going to sleep for the rest of the night. It feels so late. It’s not even 6pm yet, but it’s dark; 2 candles are still glowing.

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