~Authors Note~

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Hiiii, so, first of all, I would like to thank you so much for clicking on my book and giving it a chance. And if you're a re-reader then helloooo and welcome back. Before you get into reading, I just have a few things to say, so if you could maybe just skim over this that'd be great?

Before you read anything, I've gotten SO many comments thinking they were in college or a lot older than they actually are due to the fact that they go to a boarding school. The characters range between 16-17 for the most part, and they're in their junior year (11th grade) of high school. I just needed to say this here because a lot of people were shocked when they read about their ages at some point and said it messed them up a bit, so I felt like that was the first thing I needed to clear up.

Next up, the book starts off...a little heavy? The main character, Avery, is a little much at first. But I promise, if you keep reading you (hopefully) won't regret it.

Along that line, if you do keep reading there will probably be some plot holes and stuff. I've been writing this book since the summer of 2018, so at times I've forgotten some things. I do appreciate people pointing them out though! Just so when I eventually do go back and do some heavy editing then I'll have some ideas on what to fix.

To go along with the fact that this book has been going for a while now, I'd just like to say I started writing it when I was 13. A lots changed since then, including how I'd write about and handle certain situations and such. I'd like to think I was always relatively mature, even back then, but there's always room for growth and I have grown up a considerable amount since that time. My writing styles also progressed a lot so you'll slowly see the development of that as the book goes on, which is actually kinda cool.

Next thing is regarding comments. If you do happen to be a #rr, I hope you know that makes me incredibly happy that you came back to the beginning/are reading again. But, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't leave any spoilers! I've only seen a few, which I unfortunately had to delete. And I know it's tempting to share that knowledge when you know what's gonna happen, but it can really ruin a first-time reader's experience. So if you could refrain from leaving spoilers or any sort of hints and indications to the future, that'd be great thanks!

Also on the topic of comments, I've had to mute a few people in the past due to hateful opinions and fighting and such, soooo yeah, if we could all be nice and just hang out then that would be awesome. Sidenote: if you do happen to see me calling someone out on their shit, then I'm sorry, I promise I'm actually nice...just very passionate about a lot of topics.

And lastly with the whole comments thing, please don't promote your work on my book! I don't mind it if you private message me or anything, but authors work really hard to create the work they do, and to have someone just pop up and try and promote their own work on something you put your heart and soul into is not only an inconsiderate and rude thing to do, but also doesn't feel the best for the authors. I feel bad having to delete them, because I know exactly how it feels to want people to see the things you write and share that with the world, but promoting your work on someone else's definitely isn't the way to go about it.

Other than that, if you're ever confused about anything just comment about it. I try and answer most questions and clear things up in the comments as of right now (I will be going back to edit a lot though once the books complete).

Anyways sorry for this sorta all over the place authors note, I just had some things I needed to go over first! Anyway hope you enjoy. Leave a comment if you want, I love reading those so much. And I hope you all have a great day/night💕

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