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Johnny's pov

"Hey, I'm gonna throw this away and then we'll go back, aight?" 


While I was waiting for her to come back, I scrolled through my phone, then I saw this link..

Ways to grow watermelon at home

"Hm, let me check, Mark's watermelon back at home isn't growing and it's been years"

I was about to click the link when I heard Narae's voice.

wtf is she doing

I checked on her and saw the man covered her mouth.

"Narae!" Shit.

I punched the man's jaw and catch Narae, as she was let go by the man.

"Hold on Narae"

I glared at the man and walk towards him.

"What's your problem huh?!"

I punched his face and kick his stomach, making him stumbled back. Then I run towards him and hold him down.

"Who the fuck are you? Who sent you?"

Then something caught my eye

a tattoo

I punched him again until he's unconscious.

I laid Narae's head on my lap and called Taeyong. after few rings, he answered

Hello? Johnny?

Taeyong, can you pick us up? Something happened

What? What happened?

I'll tell you later, bring WayV and Jaehyun with you

Okay, we'll be there

*Call ended*

I looked over Narae and my heart clenched. She just got here for few days and everything already happened to her.

"It's okay Narae, we'll protect you".

The boys came and Jaehyun ran over to us like sonic.

"Johnny! What happened?"

Then I explained my side of story to them while WayV put the man inside the van.

"We'll investigate the man when he's conscious" Xiaojun told us.

Jaehyun carried Narae and went inside the van. All of us went back home and separate ways. Me,Taeyong and WayV to the basement while Jaehyun bring Narae to the medical room with Jungwoo.

 Me,Taeyong and WayV to the basement while Jaehyun bring Narae to the medical room with Jungwoo

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