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"-And thanks to all of our hard work, our percentage increased 10%

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"-And thanks to all of our hard work, our percentage increased 10%. Good job, guys. By that, I end the meeting"

They finished their meeting and went out of the room. As that was the last work of the day, she got ready to go home.

"Mrs. Lee, Mr. Lee is waiting for you at the lobby" One of that staff said.

"Which Lee?"

"Your husband"

"How was work today?" He asked as he drove the car.

"Like usual, yours?"

"Same, oh, have you heard that a newbie tried to hit on Taeyong hyung?" He said as he laughed

"What? No I didn't, what happened then?"

"The girl tried to flirt with him in his office then BOOM Irene noona went in, that girl was almost dead meat, luckily hyung stopped her"

"Wow, should've seen it"

As they arrived at their base, both of them went in and was greeted by a hug

"Mom!" He ran and hugged her leg. She bend down on her knees and kissed his forehead

"Hi baby"

"What about me?" Mark said, pretending to be hurt

"*Chuckles* Hi dad!" He said, jumping and spread his arms. Mark picked him up and walked towards the living room.

Not long after that, Yuta came in running

"Wooyoung! Aish I told you to sit and not running around while eating!"

Wooyoung laughed at Yuta who was running after him with his food.

"Fine, you're lucky you're four years old" The couple laughed, watching Yuta who wanted to baby-sit him was having a hard time.

As night fall, they ate dinner and share stories. As they were eating, a crash was heard upstairs.

"What's that?"

"Let me check" Seulgi went upstairs.

Few seconds after that, she sprinted downstairs with a paper in her hand.

"Guys, Jisoo found this in the playroom" She gave it to Doyoung and once he read that, his face turned red, probably from anger.

"We're under attack" Right when he said that, the kids were crying so loud.

"I'll get them" Narae ran upstairs with Red Velvet following her.

Once they were upstairs, the crying stopped and the kids were not there. But the vase was splattered on the floor

"Where are they?" She tried to not panic and ran back downstairs.

"Guys! The kids are-"


"Are you kidding me right now" She thought, with a dumbfounded face

They continued to sing until the end.

"Is this a prank?" She asked in disbelief.

"This was Mark's idea!" She glared at him and he laughed.

"You're lucky I love you"

They all laughed.

"Wait, today's my birthday?"

"You forgot?" Narae shrugged.

"Wow, you're old" Johnny laughed, followed by Jaehyun. She snapped her head to them and they stopped laughing.

"Happy Birthday mommy!"

They celebrated the night with eating cakes.

"Gosh, the kids will be hyper tonight" Irene whined.

"Love" Mark called. Narae walked up to him and he brought her to the balcony upstairs.

"Yes?" He hold her hands in his, looking at her in the eyes. The moon and stars shine bright in the dark, blue sky.

"I am thankful for you to stay by my side. You've changed me a lot, you taught me so many things that I should've known. Words can't describe how thankful I am to have you. It's been years we've been together and I thank God because He didn't take you away from me, despite how many times you almost died"

Narae smiled and began to respond

"Mark, I am thankful to you too, you're always there when I needed someone, you stayed with me even though I have a tiny chance to continue living. You helped me in so many ways, you've saved my life so many times. Thank you for being in my life, Mark Lee"

Time stopped when he pressed his lips to hers, pulling her body close to him, leaving no gap between them.

His hand cupping her jaw as his other arm on her waist. Her fingers running through his hair and the other on his neck.

Their lips moved in sync, kissing each other passionately with full of love under the moonlight.

They pulled away as he rests his forehead on hers, eyes closed shut as they catch their breathe.

"I love you.. so much" Mark said, locking eyes with her.

"I love you too.. and I promise to always stay by your side"

 and I promise to always stay by your side"

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aight that cringed

but anyway, we've reached the end of this book, wow I'm so proud of myself :D

i have never thought that i will be finishing this but here we are, at the end

also, thank you for reading this :') i actually don't know what's the point in this book, i just let everything out

thank you SO much for reading from the beginning till the end🥺

this is my first book so it takes time for me to improve my writing skills

and i guess, this is the end of love story from Mark and Narae

bye lovely people!! don't forget to smile 💞💖❤️

bye lovely people!! don't forget to smile 💞💖❤️

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it's midnight i probably should go to sleep

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