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"Watch your surroundings, eyes on the prize"

They spread around the bar,searching for the target. It's been minutes they've been there and still no sight of the man.


"Found him. He went outside through the back door" Yuta informed, to which all of them exited the bar and followed the man cautiously. Not long after, the man noticed them and ran away.

They bolted towards the man until they reached a dead end.

"You can't run away from us anymore".

All of them stood in circle, trapping the target.

"Look, we can settle this. Just don't kill me" the man begged,looking terrified.

" *Chuckles* No, it's already settled"


Doyoung played a camera footage to him with his phone, it was a video of him rummaging through the top secret documents,

"You think you can run away after betraying us? *Scoffs* you think we're stupid?" The man's eyes were shaking, he knew the leader would kill him,


"No buts,"

"Now, you have anything to say?" Taeyong said as Yuta lifted his gun, getting ready to shoot him.

The man scoffed, smirking at them

"Get ready for a big surprise" he took the gun from Yuta and shot himself. The others watched him, a little confused by his last words.

Then suddenly, Johnny's phone buzzed, indicating that someone was calling him.

"Huh? Narae? She's not asleep?!" he picked it up,was about to nag her.

"Yah?! You're not-"

"Johnny, help us"

"Huh? Why? You want me to tell you bedtime story?"

"No, it's not that,just-"

"Why are you whispering?"

"Fucking hear me Johnny!"

Then Johnny become serious,she only curse when something is up.


"Our base is under attack"


"Please, we're outnumbered"

"Okay, we're heading home now,just stay-"

He stopped. He could hear someone's voice,

"Where are you? You think you can hide from me huh? I know you're there"

Then she hung up.

"Boys let's go, emergency"

"Why? Something happened?"

Haechan asked, confused with his hyung sudden change of mood.

"Our house is under attack, the kids are in danger" All of them went into their van and rushed home.

Narae's pov

I was hiding under the table in the library, the other dreamies were fighting.

I was helping them at first, shooting the men, but there were lots. We were outnumbered.

The boys told me to run away. I was panicking at that time, and when I panicked, I can't do anything. That's why I ran to the library. The only way I can do was to call someone. And that's what I did to Johnny.

As I was on call, I accidentally hung up the phone cause I was hella trembling that I pressed the end button. And now this crazy person is searching for me.

"Come on, show yourself" Ugh, just go away. His voice was deep and sore. You better drink a lot of water sir.

Out of nowhere, he shot his gun. I was shaking. My breath was shakey, and I'm sure he heard it.

"Oh? Did I scare you? Sorry. But if you don't want me to shoot you,just come out" ugh can he just give up, it's hot here.

I can't stand staying here. Thankfully this room was dark, I stood up slowly, watched my surroundings and went out.

I reached the second living room and was about to exit through the sliding door when he shot me. On my thigh.

"Aah! Shit!" I looked my back and there he was, looking at me. But I didn't give up just like that.

I grabbed a gun that was on the table and tried to shot him. Thanks to my training, the bullet went through his shoulder. He clenched his shoulder and glared at me.

"You bitch!" he bolted towards me and I exited the house, limping. I tried my best to escape from him, but he captured me.

I was struggling from his grip, and all I could do was step on his toe. He let go of me,

"You weakling guy!" I ran, but then another person hold me.

"Let me go!" Then I felt needle, liquid being injected as it went in my arm. The moment the liquid mixed with my blood, I went into the darkness.

3rd person pov

Narae was brought by the two of them. They went in the van and left the place, leaving the men that were fighting with the Dreamies.

The van brought her to an old building, far enough from the house. They carried her unconscious body to a room where there stood a woman, with her aura that could send shivers down to someone's spine.

She stood in front of Narae who was tied on a chair. Just the thought of doing something to her carved a smirk on her face

"I'm going to let you die, slowly and painfully, no one's going to save you now,"

Or that what she thought.

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