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"Have you seen Narae? I haven't seen her since this morning"

"I think she went out with Mark"

"Mark? Oh, he's making his move already"

Johnny who was sitting in the living room smirked at the thought of something. He laughed quietly and that caught the attention of Chenle.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about something"

"Like what?"

" *Laughs* Let's tease them later"


"Mark and Narae"

Chenle who was making slime stopped, raising his eyebrows

"Why? What's with them?"
"So listen, Mark told me-"

Narae's pov

We headed back home after the "confession date". I think that was the reason why I'm happy and excited today.


Mark parked his car in the garage once we have arrived. Both of us went inside and act natural as we planned to keep it a secret first. Mark went up to his room and I joined Johnny and Chenle in the living room.

"Hi guys"

"Hi Narae, how's your date?"

"D-date? What do you mean?" He knows about this?

"Noona, we know you're hiding something *smirks* "

"What? I'm not hiding anything,"

Both of them looked at each other and pulled me with them, going to the study room.

"Aight, spill the tea"

"What tea?"

"Come on, we know both of you confessed to each other" they know?! How?!

"U-uhm.. how do-"

"Mark asked me for some advice" no wonder..

"So? How did it go?"

"Both of us planned not to tell you guys yet but, I guess I'll just tell you now"

(Minutes later)

I told what happened today to them and they kept nagging me

"I knew you guys would date"

"I know right"

"It irritates me when you guys act shy towards each other like, can you just date? Both of you love each other don't you?!"

"You can stop nagging me Johnny"

he stopped and I warned them to not tell the others first. We went out the room and played some games.

Hours later, it was lunch. Doyoung called us and we filled in the room. I sat in between Renjun and Haechan and both of them won't stop bickering.

"Yah Renjun ah, eat properly. Your rice is everywhere, is there a hole somewhere on your neck?"

"What are you saying? You should say that to yourself, can't you see your rice is scattered around?"

"Yah, can't you see your-"

"Can both of you stop? I'm trying to eat peacefully,"

they looked at me and back to each other. Good.

"Renjun ah can't-"

"Lee. Dong. Hyuck. You want me to shove this spoon down your throat?"

" *Gulps* O-okay, I'll s-shut up,"

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