Chapter One

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The campsite was already so lively as Magnus walked up the short hill and looked down at a wave of colors. Irish colors and Bulgarian colors all came to a clash somewhere or another, and Magnus couldn't help but stare in excitement. He held a thick, bulging bag over his shoulder, that seemed like it was about to burst. He was decked out in Irish colors himself, aside from a few articles of clothing such as his Ravenclaw scarf and beanie.

If anyone just glanced at him, they might think he'd just finished his first year of Hogwarts, his cheeks a bit chubby and rather short compared to most guys his age. He was about to go into his sixth year though, and he'd been on the Ravenclaw quidditch team since second year, his love of the sport being the only thing outside of books that got him all that excited.

Today, he was likely the most excited he has been since he got a place on the school team. He was going to be watching the World Cup of quidditch in person! Magnus had gotten so excited after arriving via portkey that he'd bolted ahead of his parents once the ministry wizards told them what direction to go in. He just couldn't help himself.

"Magnus Reiner! Slow down and stick with us, you know how your father and I hate when you run so far ahead!" Magnus glanced back as his parents got closer, his mum giving him a frustrated look. His dad sent him a bit of an apologetic look, but he was obviously not pleased with Magnus running off either.

"Mum, dad! I'm almost seventeen, you'll have to drop the leash eventually!" He furrowed his brow, crossing his arms as he watched his parents come to a stop at the top of the hill with him.

"Well, today is not that day. Stick with us," his mother held Magnus' stare for a long moment before he relented, letting out a groan. "Good, now come on. It's time to set up our tent."

It took them half an hour to get to their tent spot. After a confusing talk with a muggle who likely owned the land they were on and a long walk between rows of green, white, and orange covered tents, they finally stopped at an empty spot. Magnus stood back as he looked around, waiting for his parents to erect the tent while taking in the surroundings. He didn't want to forget where they were staying after all.

A short distance down the row of excited wizards and witches all portraying their favorite team's colors all over their camping spots, Magnus's eye was caught by a gaggle of redheads all cloistered together. He knew them as none other than the Weasley family, even if he couldn't make out any of their faces. They were the only wizarding family he knew of with so many redheads. Magnus was almost sure that no long as someone had Weasley blood, they'd be a freckly redhead.

His staring was interrupted as his father walked over and set a hand on his shoulder, glancing out towards where Magnus was staring. "Is that the Weasleys, there? Why don't ye go hello, you know them after all, don't ye?"

"What?! No I can't just go say hi! I doubt they even know me as anything but another face on the ravenclaw quidditch team." Magnus felt his face flush and he tried to wave his dad towards the tent that was now all set up and emitting a warm glow from inside. He was too flustered to go say anything, he wasn't one to talk to strangers whenever he was out of his quidditch uniform.

"Nonsense! Let's go say hello. I wouldn't mind seeing Arthur again," his father gave Magnus's shoulder a push to start him marching over towards the group. As they got closer, passing by a number of multi-floored or chimney'd tents, Magnus noticed that the Weasley's tent still hadn't been set up. Instead, it seemed like they might've been having some troubles. "Arthur!" Mr. Reiner called out, grinning from ear to ear as he got the attention of all the redheads, as well as their companions helping to build the tent. Magnus felt his eyes widen a bit as he noticed just who had accompanied them. Harry Potter.

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