Chapter Six

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The next morning, Magnus could hear a multitude of conversations about the tournament. He felt almost giddy that he'd be able to enter, even if he didn't expect to be picked. He just wanted to risk something, since he wouldn't have his usual Quidditch dangers all year.

Instead of taking a seat at the Ravenclaw table like normal, for once Magnus made his way over to the Gryffindor table, waltzing right over to Fred, George, and Lee. He plopped down next to Lee, across from the twins, and smiled when they looked at him in surprise. "Didn't expect you to join us this mornin'." Lee grinned at Magnus, who shrugged and started pilling food onto his plate.

"Well, I've got Potions with Gryffindor for my first class, so I thought I'd come see if any of you are in it," he took a bite of a waffle, a smirk growing on his lips. "I also wanted to see what buffoonery you had come up with to try and get your names into the judge."

"It's not buffoonery! We'll get our names in," George huffed, taking a grumpy bite of his toast.

"We'll just have to come up with the perfect plan. And we will!" Fred too looked grumpy. Lee seemed a bit amused by the three, but soon enough they were all talking about ways to dupe the system- Or teasing them about it, in Magnus's case. Even so, Magnus found himself swept away in their excitement and determination, and occasionally gave tips about what might be better in the plans they had come up with.

The rest of the day went on like any other first day had been. Potions was a nightmare for most of the class, Snape constantly demeaning and barking insults at people, yet Magnus as usual was left relatively well alone. He was a good student, even to Snape's annoyance, and Potions tended to be one of his best subjects. Fred and George of course were quite obnoxious in class, earning them each a week of detention and extra homework from Snape. They were quite used to it.

Lunch flew past with Magnus sitting with the ravenclaws, talking over the tournament with Roger and Jeremy. He was more than adamant about entering, despite the other two seeming a bit hesitant to let him. "You two worry about me too much, come oooon. I may be small but I'm a sixth year too."

"A sixth year that could fit in with the second years." Jeremy scoffed slightly, but a smirk on his lips showed he didn't mean it harshly.

"That just means the other champions might underestimate me. I'm sure they would never expect someone like me to fly through the trials with ease." Magnus grinned, an air of confidence coming off him that often only showed up when he was talking about quidditch. He didn't exactly have quidditch to direct that energy towards though, and the curly haired boy had turned his focus on getting into the tournament.

"Yeah, you'll go flying, when something you have to fight picks you up and throws you," Roger and Jeremy both laughed, amused by the scowl that appeared on Magnus's face as he puffed up his cheeks.

"Come on Magnus, just eat your lunch and get ready for D.A.D.A. We've got a whole new teacher to get used too," Jeremy changed the subject, taking a big bite of his food. Magnus rolled his eyes and started stuffing his face once again as well.

Once lunch was done and the bell had rung, they were off towards the defense against the dark arts classroom, whispering about what kind of teacher Moody would be. The whispering all quieted down pretty quickly as they actually stepped into the classroom. Of all the years they had been in the class, none of the students had felt this kind of pressure in a room. It was dark and musky somehow, despite Moody having only showed up the day before, and it made some of them uneasy.

Magnus couldn't help the shiver that crawled along his spine, a feeling that something wasn't right with this Mad-Eye Moody. He brushed it off though, taking a seat beside Roger and pulling out his textbook, parchment, and quill. Why should he worry about how Moody is? He didn't know Moody at all, so all that mattered was if the man turned out to be a good enough teacher.

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