Chapter Nine

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The next day was Saturday, and despite most students usually having breakfast late, the hall wasn't terribly empty as Magnus rose early. He was too excited, having not slept much the night before, and chuckled as he saw all his roommates still sleeping heavily. He quietly got dressed, sure to wrap up in his thick new scarf and sling a book bag over his shoulder. Even if he didn't have classes, he tended to walk around with things to write on, and a book or two to read when needed.

Magnus quietly left his dorm room before racing down from the Ravenclaw common room, taking all the stairs at least two at a time. He soon came to the entrance hall, having to grab a door frame to slow himself down quickly and not slam into anyone. There was already a decent sized crowd around the Goblet of Fire. Some eating toast or other easily carried breakfast foods while examining the goblet. Magnus walked a little further into the Entrance hall and spotted Harry, Ron, and Hermione already there, talking to someone for some more information.

He trotted over to stand beside them. "Bet some of them put it in last night after we'd all gone to bed," Harry was saying, not noticing Magnus yet. "I would've if it had been me.. Wouldn't want everyone watching. What if the goblet just gobbed you right back out again?"

Laughter from behind them made many of the students turn, spotting Fred, George, and Lee hurrying down the staircase, looking extremely excited like they had cracked a very hard puzzle.

"Done it!" Fred whispered to them as they got close enough, his tone triumphant. "Just taken it."

"What?" Ron was very oblivious, so much of the time. It almost hurt Magnus.

"The Aging Potion, dung brains." Fred muttered.

"One drop each, we only need to be a few months older," George was rubbing his hands in glee, grinning and staring up at the goblet.

"You all are crazy, it's not going to work," Magnus laughed, smiling at them. "But by all means, give us a mighty show."

"We're going to split the thousand Galleons between the three of us if one of us wins," Lee mentioned, grinning just as widely as the twins.

Hermione was about to warn them again, but just let out a huff and rolled her eyes, realizing there was absolutely no point.

"Ready?" Fred asked, looking like he was about to burst. "C'mon then, I'll go first." Magnus stared at them with raised brows, crossing his arms and shifting his weight onto one leg. Fred pulled out a paper with his name and Hogwarts on it, stepped up to the line, and after a moment of hesitantly rocking back and forth, stepped over. It seemed perfectly fine, nothing happened after a moment of Fred standing in the circle.

George certainly seemed to think it was already, as he let out a triumphant yell and jumped over to join Fred. they didn't even have a change to put their names in, for the next moment a sizzling sound rose up from the Age Line and the twins were vaulted back. Many people had to jump aside, and the two landed ten feet back on the cold stone floor. That wasn't it either, and Magnus burst out laughing after a loud popping noise resounded and the two of them sprouted identical long white beards.

The rest of the entrance hall joined the laughter, even Fred and George after they stood up and looked at each other. "I did warn you," everyone turned to see Professor Dumbledore leaving the Great Hall, eyes twinkling with amusement and a small smile on his lips. "I suggest you both go to Madam Pomfrey. She is already tending to Miss Fawcett, of Ravenclaw, and Mr. Summers, of Hufflepuss, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards are anything like as fine as yours."

Everyone was still laughing at Fred and George as they walked off, Lee accompanying them with just as much laughter. "Are you going to enter your name, Mr. Reiner?" Dumbledore asked as he turned his gaze to Magnus. Glancing up, Magus managed to stop laughing and nodded.

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