Chapter Twenty One

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The next thing Magnus knew, was nothing. No pain, no cold. A vast, lonely darkness. It felt like an eternity, or split second. He couldn't tell, but suddenly he was in a long dark chamber. The walls barren of any decorations, simple stone and completely solid. He looked up and down the chamber, but he could see no end in sight in either direction. His breathing started to get faster as he turned back and forth. Magnus had no idea what was going on. No clue where he was. He didn't even know he had been hit with the killing curse.

"Calm down, child." Magnus jumped and spun around one more time, finding himself staring at a short, heavily bearded old wizard. Had he not been so short, he might have looked a little like Dumbledore. "You need to calm down, and control yourself."

Magnus was staring at the man in confusion, looking from him to the other, endless, side of the corridor. "Where am I?"

"Somewhere between life, and death." The man stepped closer to Magnus, but the boy stepped back, wary of the stranger. "Follow me, we have much to see, and little time to see it in."

Magnus didn't even get to reply before a bird suddenly flew in, circling around the two of them, before it's shape changed and quickly grew. Where once a bird fluttered, now stood a rather beautiful looking lady. Her hair was long, sleek, and black, and eyes a piercing blue. "Merlin, I believe this is my descendant you're speaking with. It should be I who shows him."

A tension grew quickly as the two strangers looked at each other, and Magnus found himself slowly, and carefully, backing up. "Ah, Morgana, I wondered when you may make an appearance." Magnus's head was spinning, confusion and worry building up so tightly he wanted to explode. "This boy needs to know the truth, not some version you've twisted and squeezed to fit your own needs."

"Merlin, you know I want only to tell the truth. To teach him magics that you and your silly little followers would never let him learn. He needs power."

"He is nothing like you, Morgana. Have you not seen that, how he's grown. Strong and wise." Merlin and Morgana hadn't noticed Magnus backing away. The tension between the two was so thick they were too busy glaring at one another.

"He is very much like me. He seeks things that will make him feel good, give him that sweet, delectable rush." Morgana grinned at Merlin, "this... Magnus... is perfect for my-" Merlin lashed out, holding his own wand out and sending a red blast through her. Morgana disappeared into a puff of dark smoke that slowly blew away.

Magnus had started running, bolting it down the only way he could. He wanted out, he wanted to go back to Hogwarts and not have to worry about anything.

The floor was suddenly gone, he'd run out of the end of the corridor without realizing, and nothing was beneath him, or around him. He fell. Wind blew passed him and he let out a yell, hands reaching out to grab for something. Anything. They touched nothing, but then he wasn't falling, he'd suddenly stopped just above a floor and was hovering meer inches. Then he fell those last few inches with a slight thump.

"You have to get control of yourself before you fade away." Magnus scrambled to his feet, looking up to see Merlin had found him again. He looked at his hands and feet, and noticed he could very faintly see through himself.

"W-whats happening to me?"

"You're dying." Merlin was so blunt, it almost felt like Magnus was being punched in the gut. He let out a shuddering breath, staring at his semi-translucent hands in horror.

"I don't want to die... " Magnus looked up at Merlin, eyes wide and starting to fill with tears. "How do I stop this? How do I go home?"

"Control yourself. Your emotions are your power, but they are also your weakness. Let them get out of control and they will consume what's left of your soul before you can get your strength back." Merlin stepped closer to Magnus, who finally didn't move back. Merlin raised a hand, his fingers thin and long, before gently placing it on Magnus's cheek. "A part of you has been released now. Where it was once locked away by your parents, the killing curse used on you has released it."

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