Chapter Fourteen

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Snow had finally started to fall on the Hogwarts grounds, seeming to make it even colder now. George and Magnus had decided to keep it quiet that they were going to the ball together, agreeing that the teasing from Fred and Lee would be unbearable. They'd stayed pretty much the same as before, aside from the occasional glances and smirks whenever someone would bring up the ball.

With the stress of asking someone out of the way, Magnus had been able to focus on his school work a bit better. Even if he was exempt from exams at the end of the year, he wanted to do the best he could with his homework over the holidays. The Golden Egg had sat beside his 'temporary' bed, untouched aside from the occasional poke. Magnus was too scared to open it, but he knew after the Yule Ball he would dive headlong into figuring it out.

This was the first Christmas though, that Magnus woke up resenting the day to come. The thought of the ball later that evening made his stomach churn. He was quick to forget it though, as his bed suddenly dipped and he let out a great OOF as a pair of twins jumped on top of him. "Christmas! Wake up, wake up! It's time for presents!"

"Get off before I hex you too," Magnus gasped, acting as though he were choking. The two laughed, as well as Lee as he rolled himself out of bed.

Fred and George crawled off of Magnus as requested and went back to their own presents. Magnus's stood out compared to the rest of the room, the wrapping papers full of blues and bronzes compared to the Gryffindor decorations. "I've started forgetting I'm not actually a Gryffindor," Magnus chuckled, crawling to the end of his bed and getting comfy.

"So have we, you practically live here now," Fred laughed, starting to tear into his gifts.

"Not that we're complaining, though I think poor Kenny misses his bed."

"Dunno, seems like he's enjoying his own sleeping arrangements quite well," Magnus chuckled, starting on his pile of presents. This was the first year he had gotten so many gifts, having mostly only had his parents and the Ravenclaw boys in previous years. Now he looked at the pile with wide, excited wide eyes. From Fred he got a thing of Canary Cream, with a note stating to only use it for mischief. From Harry and Ron he got a couple bags of various candies from Honeydukes. Hermione got him a book called 'All Sea Things Magical', he expected he'd like it quite a lot. Lee got him a miniature dragon statuette, though it was nowhere near as elaborate as the one Magnus had gotten Charlie before school. Molly had sent him a Weasley sweater, deep blue with a dragon on it. Magnus quickly pulled on the sweater, grinning happily. Charlie had even sent him a small postcard of the small enchanted dragon, wishing him a Happy Christmas and luck in the future tasks, included with the card was a dark black dragon scale, larger than Magnus's hand.

Jeremy and Randolph's gifts had even shown up in the room, of which Magnus got a set of cards depicting the whole Irish Quidditch team, and a sleeveless jacket with the ravenclaw colours and "Champion Magnus" in bold lettering on the back, respectively. There was no gift from Roger though, which just made him a little more bitter.

Magnus shook it off though and started showing off his things as the others did as well. Soon they all headed down to breakfast before returning to the Gryffindor tower. Magnus was more than happy to spend the morning there with everyone, enjoying presents, speculating about the tournament, and much more. Really, he hadn't left George's side at all, and he didn't even realize it. He even joined them in the snow ball fight outside, ganging up against Harry and Ron with the twins.

"I'm heading up early too," Magnus said finally at around six, an hour after Hermione had left, swatting a snowball away from his face with a laugh. "I have to tailor my dress robes a bit, and I want to go make sure Hermione doesn't need any help." They all rolled their eyes a bit, but waved him off. "Ron, I heard you have some drab ones, come get me if you want a bit of help tidying up!" Magnus called back before he began jogging his way up to the Gryffindor tower.

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