Chapter 10

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"Who was that guy?" Teddy thought as he looked at the closed door. "He didn't look like he liked my presence. Maybe her boyfriend?"

Teddy continued to ponder on this as he got in the car. Why did he even care? He had Tiffany back home, though he didn't understand what was happening with her, he still loved her. He hoped that she wasn't getting any funny thoughts.

Teddy checked his messages in case Tiffany might have answered. Nothing still, and she was online. This put him in a weird funk. All the good feelings he had felt like they had been wiped away. She never did this. Maybe she just isn't in the mood to talk or there's an emergency. The positive part of his brain thought. What if she doesn't like me anymore? The negative part thought.

The positive and negative parts of his brain were in conflict. Giving Teddy different reasons for different scenarios.

"Maybe she's talking to her mum or dad." Positive suggested

"You know she hates them both for leaving her. She wouldn't be talking to them." Negative replied

"Dude, maybe her phone was stolen and someone else is using it."

"Nope, she doesn't like you. Remember those times she'd just stop talking to you for no reason?"

"Arguments are normal, didn't you guys end up talking at the end of the day?"

"Well this has never happened before!"

"They'll get through it!"

"Hey stop it, stop fighting. It's just a text message." The neutral part finally shouted out.

"He's been looking spaced out for a long time. Won't he go home soon?" Leilani thought to herself. She could see him clearly from the upstairs window. One hand on the wheel but not particularly ready to drive, eyes fixed on some thing but it seemed far away. She wondered why he hadn't left. It was getting dark really fast.

"True. It is just a text message." The positive part of Teddy's brain agreed. The negative didn't speak so it was assumed that they had all settled. Teddy was going to wait for Tiffany like he always did and they would talk. That was what would happen.

"It'll be alright. I'm happy anyway. Need to get home and meet Ashley." He smiled a little to himself, started the car and drove off.

"You've been looking out the window for a long time, anything wrong?" The male who slammed the door at Teddy walked towards Leilani and asked.

"Nothing." She said quietly, gave him a tight smile and went to her room.

Teddy liked driving in this area. It wasn't too bad. The sight of the many countless trees were sort of calming to look at.

Well, it was calming for the short while it lasted. Till the piercing sound of someone screaming filled his ears. It echoed across the entire empty, dark street. Anyone would have heard it.

The voice stopped screaming moments after it started. Teddy's hands were feeling clammy. He couldn't see anyone else on the road. The only thing he could see were the headlights of his car flashing brightly ahead. Worst come, he would try to fight whoever was causing the screaming if it was an attacker, he remembered that dad put in a gun in the car somewhere. Best bet, it was something that wasn't a cause for alarm.

"Focus on your breathing." Teddy said to himself.

The trees were beginning to look less calming. They didn't seem to end, they felt like they were increasing in number. Teddy wanted to leave here and go back to the normal streets as soon as possible.

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