Big Spoon

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Author's Note: My friend got this idea from Tumblr from another ship. We're not sure what, but a really good comic. The picture us from the comic, at the end. Casey's reaction. Enjoy!

Raph lay wide awake in bed, his chin resting on Casey's head. Thoughts flooded his head. "God," he thought, "I don't deserve him." He kept the subject in his thoughts. "But...I do like him a lot," his thoughts continued. He shook his head, still keeping hits thoughts on the subject, "Why would he be with me, though?" He stiffens as an awkward thought crosses his mind, "I don't even have boobs, just sweaty hands!" He quickly discards the thought, like it never entered his mind. "A-" Hiya thoughts were interrupted when he felt a chest against his cheek. He held Casey's waist close to him. "Dude, you think to loud," he says startling him, "relax." He chuckled softly at that, calming down as the thoughts escape his mind. They lay in the comfortable silence for a few more minutes, them he asks the question he was hoping not to answer, "By the way, what were you thinking about?" His eyes widened in shock. "Uh..." he started, not sure how to put it. "Accidentally killing you and what I'd look like with boobs."

They stay in that position for a few seconds, then he feels Casey spring up in bed. He stayed down with his eyes shut, pretending he didn't notice. He felt his gaze on his chest, and he tried not to blush. Knowing his horny boyfriend, he was probably thinking the same thing. But not accidentally killing him.

Author's Note: Sorry it's short. I'm also sorry that it may have sucked. I've been under a bit of stress lately, having two concerts to perform in one week, back-to-back. I should have a better, longer one next time.

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