Chapter 17: who stole the book

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The next day
"Arlo that bastard, he actually got Elia suspended!" Blyke bumped his fist onto the table in frustration.
"Woah chillax dude." Isen said. "We're gonna get kicked out of the library like this." Isen looked around to see if the librarian had noticed.
"I still remember the look on her face." Blyke shuddered

Blyke recalled Elia's face when she told him Arlo ratted her out.
"I'll make him pay." She said, her eyes filled with intense anger. Elia had been calm and collected the whole time but it seemed that it was only a pretense.

"We should be thankful she was only suspended. She could've been expelled, or worse Jailed." Remi said.
Blyke felt a chill go down his spine.
"Is unordinary really that scary?" Blyke asked.
"Yes, apparently its motivation for a lot of the superheros. Authorities don't want a lot of people suddenly become vigilantes thats the reason it was banned in the first place." Remi said.
"The authorities haven't done much to stop the superheroes though. But then again there's ember." Blyke was deep in thought. "Wait does that mean?"
Blyke struck a realization.
" That's right!" Remi said. "The authorities and Ember are connected."

"Aren't you suspended?" Seraphina asked Elia who was still leisurely spending time in her dorm.
"I don't have a place to stay nor a family." Elia stated plainly. "I'll be moving dorms soon, can't have contact with anyone from school."
Seraphina didn't answer.
Elia said indifferently. "Still wonder who stole my book. I hope the queen wouldn't something that despicable." Elia stared into Seraphina's eyes.

3 days ago
"Elaine? Why are you here?" Seraphina opened to door, to see a cheerful looking Elaine.
"Brought some breakfast." Elaine cheerfully stated.
"Just put it there, i'll make some coffee." Seraphina sleepily said.
Elaine wondered around the dorm. She found a room whos doors were slightly open.
"Whose room is this? Elaine asked as she opened the door, noticing the silver haired girl sleeping.
"My new roomie. Don't disturb her, i think she is sleeping." Seraphina answered.
"Okay." Elaine answered. She noticed a book on the floor.
"I'll help her pick it up, then leave." Elaine thought. She proceeded to pick the book up but when she saw the cover, she was extremely shocked.
"Unordinary? Wasn't it banned?" Elaine thought.
"Elaine hurry up! The coffee is ready." Seraphina called out.
"O-Okay." Elaine pocketed the book and then left.

"Arlo, i found this in Seraphina's new dormmate's room." Elaine texted Arlo a picture of the book.
"Seraphina's new dormmate? Elia?" Arlo's lips formed a thin smile.
"Can you give it to me?" Arlo texted Elaine.
"OK." Elaine replied.

Back to present
"You think too much." Seraphina replied.
Elia glanced at Seraphina before returning to her room to pack her things.

Elia dragged her suitcase to go to her new dorm.
"Hey!" Isen greeted. "Where are you going?"
"My new dorm. I've been suspended, can't have contact with any students. That includes you."
"No one will know."
"That's true."
"We haven't really talked much. How are you?" Elia asked.
"Fine i guess. I think it's Remi that is not fine. She's obssesed about ember lately. She even assigned me to study their movement and also Blyle to set up flyers to warn everyone about ember." Isen ranted.
"Blyke and I got Arlo to talk to her. She seems to have given up on it." Isen continued.
"That's great! She shouldn't track that shady organization. She'll only get herself in trouble." Elia said.
"I know right! That's what we've been telling her. Ever since that, she hasn't been spending time with us lately." Isen said solemnly.
"Maybe we can visit her sometime?" Elia suggested.
"Yeah. Where are you from? I mean before you transfered here?"
"XY city. I didn't like it there much." Elia shrugged.
"XY city...huh." Isen thought.
"Well we're here, nice talking to you." Elia said before leaving.

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