3~ common courtesy

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edited jan 24, 2023


[T E R R A I     M O N T E G O]

All he wanted at that moment was the gift to time travel so he could go back in time and not seek out for the job in the first place.

"So Ode, hooked you up?"
The environment was unsettling. Despite the pleasant ambience, the presence of the other men made it hard to concentrate.

"Yea. And I don't see how that's important. I'm here aren't I? Can you ask me some relevant questions?"

The man tried his best to gain some form of eye contact from Terrai who was confused of the reason but ignored. It wasn't his intention to be rude anyways, but people were string like were business.  He could  only averted his eyes when he had to speak. Deshawn, his possible employer looked dumbfounded for a moment. The other man felt guilty about raising my voice at him but all he wanted was to cut to the chase.

"You can have a seat. Pardon my manners." Deshawn offered him a seat in one of the couch, Terrai slipped off his shoes and placed it to the side, not wanting to get the carpet dirty.

It was only normal for the guy to ask.
It was no crime wanting to know the background of his employee. He didn't go advertising the job in the newspaper so it was only fair for him to know.

"Thank you."

"At least change your attitude if you want that job, Terrai!" 

Terrai's subconscious scolded him. He really needed this job, and it was about time he acted like it. The image of him being confronted by Charlie and his entourage made him cringe. 

"So, on a scale of one to ten what would be your rating and what food areas do you specialize in?" Is it wrong to say that he was feeling a little better? Now those are the questions he wanted to hear.

"Well, I can cook anything. I'm very adventurous in the kitchen. I love one-pots like pastas, jambalayas. All types: smoothies, shakes, alcoholics, non alcoholics, teas, fruit juices-" He began listing like crazy, when he looked up and their eyes met, Terrai smiled when he realized that he had ranted off and calmed down.

Then cleared his throat.

"Desserts, vegan-dishes, anything. My cooking is decent I wouldn't know how to rate myself it really depends on who, I'm cooking for." The man smiled in satisfaction thinking about those days at Culinary Arts Academy.

Terrai majored in Food Sciences and Preparation, where his assignments were to prepare different varieties of meals and combine flavors and spices. God! Everything was just heavenly.

Deshawn looked at the man opposite of him and hummed. He too was satisfied with the responses, whether he was good or not, he was glad that the guy didn't put a number, especially a high one to his skill level but it would make him come off as arrogant. And simultaneously, is he had placed a small number, it would discredit him. It was a trick question afterall.

He passed.

"Your job starts tomorrow. Uniforms are provided. I suggest you come five in the morning. I don't have anyone else waiting to take this spot so you're hired."

Shocked, the newly hired man wanted to ask if he hit his head, as he came to this so-called interview today and I got the job already. Okay happy but damn, not even a day to mentally prepare himself? He wasn't asked to do any trials to see if he's satisfied with his cooking skills or anything? Just hired? But like he said, he doesn't have anyone else waiting for the job.

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