25. Kɪss ᴏғ Lɪғᴇ ▪️

987 78 13

[ᴅᴇsʜᴀᴡɴ Rᴜssᴇʟ]

I sat in the living room wondering why T. haven't showed up as yet. He told me he was going to the supermarket and he has been there for hours. I sat in the living room with the now cold pizza as I angrily looked at my phone waiting for him to call or at least text me saying how sorry he is or at least why he stood me up.

I grabbed for the television remote and elevated my foot on the armrest of the sofa.

“The residents of 54th Street is traumatized by the criminal activities of the gang who they referred to as the Black Hearts. It was moments after eleven this morning, they reported about the numbers of shots that were being fired and numerous bottle torches were thrown on various houses and private properties. Despite the damages only one person was reported injured and is now at hospital, undergoing treatment.  And now in new sports, the Liverpool-”

I closed off the television, not interested in hearing anything about sports.

The Black Hearts gang huh? Terrorizing and doing things I never agreed to. Showering bullets on the innocent, vandalizing properties, shit is about to get real when I kick them in the ass. They are going to feel my wrath!

My phone began to vibrate in my shorts, I instantly answered not looking at the Caller ID.

“Hey Shawn. I'm at the hospital. You finna come?”

The fuck.

Is the hurt? What is he doing there?

“Babe. What do you mean hospital? Are you ok?”

No. He is playing a game with me. And such game, is not my intention to play.

“Just come ok. It's my fucking fault.  I was just concerned and followed her. Shut bullets came out of nowhere. Shit!”

Before I could tell him that I'm coming, the line went dead. I changed, grabbed my car keys and closed up. I began to worry, as I drove to the hospital.

My heart pounded in my chest as I begged God not to let anything thing happen to Terrai. I never followed not one of the road signs as I dashed at one eighty to the hospital. When I came upon the huge building, I wasted no time I ran inside. The lady at the front desk was on the line talking to someone. When I reach her she began stocking some papers and hung up.

“Hello. Is there a Terrai Montego that was admitted in this hospital?” She placed the stack down and began looking through them one by one.

“Let me check.” She muttered. I impatiently tapped on the desk as I waited for an answer.

“I'm sorry Sir but-” She was cut off by a deep voice.

A very familiar deep voice

“Shawn. You came. Everything is my fault. I shouldn't have followed her. I just wanted to help her. God I'm so stupid!” Terrai came up to me, his eyes looked red like he was crying. I comforted him with a hug.

“Babe. What happened? Who is the she you are talking about?”
We both walked to the waiting area and sat down.

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