12: Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴅɪɴɴᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴜᴅᴅʟᴇs ▪️

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We all walked into the house and I couldn't be anymore fascinated. The family was united again and it was just joy and laughter.

Where I am from, parents weren't such a thing. I had parents but they never knew shit about parenting. My mother left me when I was ten, after she got an ass whooping from my father, promised she would return but not all promise are fulfilled.

And my father, last but definitely the least, all his paycheck was spent at bars and clubs or maybe in casinos. I never got essential stuff, my school expenses, food, electricity and water bills were not paid for, I was forced to grow up early and work. Everything I have, it was the fucking sweat of my brown and I don't need a nigga telling me that I'm a showoff. I appreciated what I got because nothing wasn't passed onto me, I want someone who knew there was a trust fund until I was eighteen. That's was how I started to meet some people. Not the best, they were bad influences, I admitted. I may have gotten food to eat in the hard way, robberies, and such, but when the struggles got real, they never left a member behind, and I appreciated that.

"I am so glad that you kept my baby boy safe. He's a handful but when you get to know him, he's a sweet child." I was distracted from my thoughts when Terrai's mom said something. I gave a pleasnt smile then responded.

"Yea. He's a little stubborn but no biggie. Ma'am."
She grinned slapped my shoulders.

"Such decent child."

If only you knew.

We sat at the dinner table, watching Terrai eat like an animal, his hands sticky and lips has chicken crumbs. I kept in a laugh and ate mine.

veryone laughed as the various foods were passed around among us.

"So Deshawn, what kind of job do you do for a living?" Danyel––I think, asked me. Both his brows were raised inquisitively.

I have killed, taken many lives, involved money laundering, scams, but I'm now in charge of an illegal guns for drugs trade.

Nothing to complicated.

That's what I wanted to say, but I never wanted anyone to choke on this delicious meal. Terrai and I shared a look and I cleared my throat in an attempt to mask my real expression. Only him knows what I do and I have no intention to change that.

"I'm a business man, own a few clubs and businesses in the city."

Everyone nodded.

"Are you and Terrai a thing?" He gestures to his cousin but I knew all their attention were on me. Even Terrari himself was shocked from the question but played it cool then he answered.

"Nah, we ain't a thing. Cuz could you stop eating with food in your mouth." Danyel gasped at him again. Talk about dramatic.

“Oh it better not be. I would have to break that same sex thing up! You heard me boy!” Terrai got a ticket slap to the back of his head. He looked like a kid who has gotten scolded.

“Yea. Mama. I heard you alright. I'm grown ass man, you never had to slap me!”

I unconsciously to the direction where his mom was seated. She wasn't happy about what he said, she picked at her food, glaring at everything on her plate.

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