1~ shenanigans

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                                                                 [TERRAI MONTEGO]

"It about time and the bride still haven't grazed her presence at the alter Terrai. Did you accidentally saw her dress or something?"

The groom heart sunk in his chest when his name was mentioned. The sudden nerve, and the words from his best friend slash best man, Ode whispered to him. He wanted to debunk the myth and their outdated and untrue theory but what if it was true? Despite him not seeing his soon-to-be wife for the past nine hours; he literally wondered if anything was really going to go as planned.

The flowers were already scattered and everyone sat impatiently even the priest silently questioned. The beautiful purple and white themed wedding felt like a weight on his shoulder. His crisp white and purple suit felt like it was dead weight on his body, he felt neglected; the feeling like his wife to be had abandoned him. He also felt stupid. Terrai only got a glimpse of his mother's saddened face in the front row, as she was seated on the edge of her seat, the tension  obvious. He was out of options, he stood there and not a glimpse of the elegant woman he was going to commit to, not anything.

The feeling was nauseating, did he mention it? The rise of a bile in his mouth made him just want to spit. All he desired in that particular moment was to conceal behind the huge purple tulips and lilacs bouquet that was patiently made by one of the best florists in town.

His optimism was on the verge of running out.

The cliché wedding lyrics started to play, his headed unconsciously looked up and there she was, the woman he was willing to settle down with. Fancy custom-made white dress fitted her body perfectly as she slowly strutted  towards him. Her occasional sway, Terrai exhaled, a long deep breath he wasn't aware he was holding. He felt relieved for a second until his eyes met with her face.

Her face that was always pleasant looked different. She didn't have a contagious grin; instead it was just a smile that looked forced for a second as her eyes bored his. He really wanted to ask her what's wrong but the groom stood his ground and awaited his bride's arrival.

The priest looked ready more than ever, as she reached, he spoke. No even a second of silence.

"We are gathered today, to witness the union of two souls. Terrai Julian Montego and Daneisha Shanyel Jackson. To have and behold-" The priest stopped because of the interruption.

And random baby cried out, which left the young mother flustered and the entire front turning to their direction. She awkwardly held the child as she tried to soothe the infant, it was obvious that she was at the beginning of motherhood.

"I'm sorry, I can't!"

It was an outburst that had Terrai's eyes widening. He later realized that it came from not the young mother but instead his chosen partner. 

Shit! His eyes widened. He had started to question is this was real. If she, was real.

No swearing in church! But how could she have done something like that to him? After all they had been through! Why would she say yes in the first place? Why would she made him go through all that expense if she was going to say 'no'?

Terrai looked at the culprit with nothing but horror in my eyes. His soon to be wife, the lady he'd sacrificed so much for, said that she can't. Can't what? Can't settle down with one man? Can't commit? He began sweating violently, silently and mentally  demanding her to stop whatever game she was playing. It was always her habit to make a scene. But this? This was next level!

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