4~ the boys

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[D E S H A W N   R U S SE L]

“Are you allergic to anything? Lactose intolerant or something?” Deshawn shook his  head no, then left the kitchen to give him some space and time to work his magic. The owner of the house slash employer went to make some calls in the living room. He dialled Jamal and Toris conduct another investigation, that being using wedges and sharp utensils to get information from their captive.

Only seven minutes after six! What time did he rise this morning? I/He businessman transferred a few grands to offshore accounts in his legitimate man, and also a fee in his top yield investment bank.

Majority of his contracts were non-voidable by law so he coukdnt keep major cash in hand, so this was where the financial system came it. It was literally his washer.

From where he stood on the balcony, he could smell the food, wait is that coconut pie? He lad sniffed a few times to really identity what he smelt, then walked to the dining room where the table was neatly set. Deshawn removed his jacket and sat down. The dishes were on a beautiful display compliments to that. He didn't even realized his house had so much beautiful fine wares.

He looked around, mouth salivated at the sight.

He ate with his eyes. Deshawn was all about appearances. “I love the presentation. ” His newly employed chest smiked, he saw just a trail of sweat before it disappeared in his shirt.

He must be tired.

It was his first time, topped with him being just kind, Deshawn mentioned for him to have a seat. He could partake of course. Terrai declined respectfully.

In total disbelief. He wasn't used to being offered a seat at the table, especially in such setting. He was the worker nonetheless.

Deshawn dug right in this creamy chicken alfredo, it was spicy and just worth devouring. The unconscious close of his eyes expressed his approval, he savored the varying feel of the different tastes, tgere was pice topped with flavour. He hummed. 

Deshawn smiked, content.  His associates slash literal partners in crime will soon be here. 

Those two were chaotic together. Mostly Toris being the one to influence Jamal. They dou had scared off Deshawn's old chef but a job well done cause she wasn't that good and she was too arrogant to take suggestions. He didn't like someone like that.

Her head game was great though. That counted for something, right?

“Man get the fuck out my face.”

Deshawn heard the low threat but he didn't care. Probably it was the guy talking to himself. Until he head a tumble sound, Deshawn quickly got to his feet.

It was as if he walked in just in time.

Both of then tried to intimidate the new cook but he wouldn't have any of it. There was just a little but too much testosterone in the room. Everyone looked fired up and ready to explode.

"Man, get the fuck out my face before I do something both of us will regret.” 

Both brothers postures faltered a bit but recovered and then Deshawn took the opportunity to  walk in the room. He just wanted to let them know  that he was right her. He wiped his mouth with the white napkin and threw it somewhere.

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