14: ᴅᴏᴍɪɴᴀᴛᴇᴅ ▪️

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When I pushed the door open, I saw a bump in the covers. My first thought was that he's asleep but no, his breaths weren't moderate. I sat on the bed, and his head rolled toward the sink in the that was caused from my weight it collided with my hips. I lifted it to where it was before and massaged his head.

"I'm sorry. It has always been my fault. I shouldn't have asked, we should've waited until in the morning. I'm sorry grandma......Grandpa, mama, p-please, wa-wake up."

Ok I'm lost. What was he saying?

Who was he talking to?

I heard sobbing beside me. I immediately slapped his shoulders.

I felt his hands gripped my sides as he cried in my legs from where I was seated. I got a small whiff of his scent, from him being this close, it was oddly comforting.

"The car is going to explode. Mama, Papa! We have to leave, or we'll die!"

What? All I know that he sounded scared as he talked to the person––his grandmother urgently. 

But what kind of dream was this?

Was this a nightmare?

Before we came here, he literally witnessed me night-night a nigga, he did told me he was going to have problem sleeping?

He kept talking about the sound of gunshots, placing the gun finger to his head, crying and emphasizing what he knew was going to happen.

Am I the true cause of this?

Am I the one that caused him to...relapse?

I shook him really hard, slapping his cheeks but he still haven't made an attempt to wake himself up. Shit! Its all me.

His breathing rate has increased, sweats broke out on his forehead as his chest rose and fell. He looked like he was in some excruciating pain I couldn't imagine.

"No!" He shouted and gripped my hands unconsciously. I've tried everything. His hold is tight, it will definitely bruise.

I don't know what to do!

I feel like I'm already panicking I grabbed his cheeks, closing off his nose and kissed him. Moving my lips against his, I felt his moist ones trembled. I covered his nose and mouth completely blocking his air passage after about another minute, his eyes opened abruptly, body pushed upwards as he gasped for air.

I couldn't wake him up, at least this does.

"What are you doing Shawn? Were you planning to rape me in my sleep?" His breathing rate gradually decreased as he scolded me.

His tear stained face was later cleaned off by his palms as he stared at me questioningly.

"You were having a sleep terror. I couldn't get you awake so I taught maybe shutting off your nose would alert your brain or some scientific shit and you'd wake up as a response. You yelled for your grandparents, its not the first time I heard you called out for them. If you want to talk about it, I'm always here okay?"

He nodded, and forcefully took a deep breath.

"I sort of enjoyed the kiss earlier. Maybe I have to get these dreams often. Wanna do it again?"


Before I could answer, I pulled him towards me and closed the space between us. Our lips moved in sync as I tugged at his with mine. We both gave each other entrance and  it was just.....unexplainable.

I climbed onto him, thighs and members brushing, I could feel him grind against me. I felt him grab my ass and I was effortlessly flipped on my back with him towering over me with the same look in his eyes.


Lust filled eyes bored mine but all I felt was the stirring in my groin as I pulled him down towards me. Neither of us said anything, his hands roamed my chest and brushed my sensitive nipples as he sucked on my neck. Small moans came from my mouth. I'm never the one to be dominated but it's aight.....at least when I'm enjoying it. His teeth scraped my neck but in a pleasure filled way.

"Don't tease me you idiot." I felt his mouth moved as he chuckled against my skin.

God I hope the door is closed!

I locked him in my strong arms, grabbed his ass...hard, I gave it a squeeze and connected my lips to his neck. I sucked on the same spot and not intentionally to leave a mark but his sounds of approval encouraged me to go on, I even forgot about who I was for a moment. I bit into his sensitive skin, and licked the spot.

Am I Dracula or am I a normal human being?

His member twitched against my legs in response, he crawled off looking very red in the face. It was almost cute. Okay. It was cute. It was a staring contest, and it was awkward. Like, he never said anything and neither did I.

Weren't we just eating each others flesh off seconds ago?

"Oh my god!" He said covering his mouth with wide eyes.

Drama queen.

"I'm a faggot!"

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