29. Gᴇᴛ Sᴇxʏ ▪️

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I felt angry. I felt like I wanted to shatter and destroy everything I could get my hands on. Both Deshawn and I exited the house, me slamming the door, I could've sworn the entire house fell from the impact.

When we walked down the walkway to the car, I couldn't miss the garbage bin. I angrily kicked it and all the contents that were inside spilled, creating a mess.

Clean that assholes!

When I did reached the car, I avoided Shawn like a plague and closed my eyes, waiting for him to drive out.

For most of half my life they have lied to me. I don't know who is telling the truth. I don't feel like I can trust anyone anymore. A little frustrated, I massaged the bridge of my nose, taking in some deep breaths.

"Babe. Come on. Everything will be-" And before he could say something, I drowned out his voice. I rested my head on the headrest of the seat and closed my eyes. His left hand massaged my knees and the right one controlled the steering.

Something vibrated on my bottom in the seat, I jumped upwards. Shit, that felt weird as hell. Snickers came from Shawn's lips but my glare silenced him  and he continued driving.

I later realized that it was the good for nothing phone I had. I pulled it from my back pocket and saw some bunches of missed calls from my mom and an unknown number. There were seventeen voicemails and twelve text messages.

Just thinking I had calmed down, I couldn't be anymore wrong, I was looking at the phone screen hard.

"Shawn I'm coming off my my house. Shit!"

Seeing that this neighborhood looks farmiliar, my house is only two blocks away, I placed the phone in my back pocket while I impatiently waited to go home.

When I do came upon my house, a two storey with grey walls, small garden and a basket ball hoop at the front, I wasted no second, I got out, not before pecking Shawn telling him I'll call him later. He looked unsure at first, his car never moved from the spot as I closed the front door.

Immediately walking to my  room , I pulled out some clothes and headed to the bathroom. Got so much adrenaline and pent up energy, I could actually feel the bulge forming in my lower regions, I ignore it and searched the cabinet for a towel and stripped naked.

The cold water against my skin, I started to get used to it. I soaped my wash cloth and began to shower. Out of nowhere, my dominant hand (left) connected with the wall, I knew what I just did and I regretted every second of it. Pain radiated from the battered area up to my shoulders I groaned angrily.

Have you ever felt so angry like you want to cause some real damage but you just have to keep it all in like everything is okay?

That's how I felt.

But whenever I try to suppress my anger is like this only makes me horny and all the testosterone in my body just automatically switch on in full effect.

Geez! So much for abstinence.

It has been months since I had sex with someone  and right now, I'm paying the consequences. I'm sporting and no matter how much I down myself in cold water, it just throbs for attention.

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