Chapter 11: The Battle Rages On

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Jace could see the bomb being dropped and tackled everyone to the ground as it hit the plane. They were quite a way away from the plane but the impact was still strong. They got up and saw the plane in flames. "Jem! Will!" Jace cried out. Smoke engulfed his sight. "My brothers..." he cried. "Let's go get them!" Morgen said. As they started going toward the plane armored vehicles started driving up behind them from the mountains and began shooting at them. Whitney blocked the bullets with her bending. "We can't go back! There're more surrounding the plane! We need to get to the mountains and take cover!" Whitney yelled. A guard came close to Jace, but he immediately snapped his neck in anger. "Fine," he said, "Whitney, take out the cars with your earth bending. Morgen, when she does that take me to the city and Whitney follow Morgen with Logan. Ready? GO!" he yelled. Whitney cried out as she lifted her arms violently and moved the earth under the vehicle raising them up. The cars flipped and Morgen and Jace flew above them towards the mountains. Whitney took Logan's hand and opened her glider. 

 Paul could see Whitney flip the cars even though they were about five miles away. They had seen the explosion and started to head back to the plane. Whitney and Morgen had flown away and Paul wondered why they left everyone to die. As they crept closer to the plane, soldiers started to patrol the area. They were in a panic and yelling things in Russian. "Something's wrong," Jason whispered. Just then a soldier spotted them and a dozen guards came over to them. Jason smiled. "You still hungry, sis?" he asked enraged thinking of Rachel by the plane. She nodded. The men surrounded them. They ordered something in Russian. In an instant Jason and Selene ripped them apart as Paul tore out their throats in his wolf form. Selene and Jason drank quickly from one guard each. "Now what?" Paul asked fueled with hatred. "We need to head to the cave and meet with your friends," said Jason wiping blood from his mouth. "What about the others by the plane?" Paul asked. "Hopefully they escaped," he tried to say strongly, but the thought of Rachel kept going through his head.

"I hope everyone is okay," Alyssa said worriedly. "Psh, we took the brink of it. We were right by the plane!" Rachel exclaimed. "We are only alive because Jem was able to shield us all, and Alyssa was able to turn us invisible so we could escape," Kathryn explained. "The others are in the mountains too, I just don't know where..." Lucia trailed off.

"They didn't even try to look for us," Kasi said. "Everyone had other things to worry about, and I'm sure they tried to get us," Jem reassured. They had all taken refuge in a small cave deep inside of the mountain. "We need to move towards the cave. That's where they will attack first. I'm not sure when though since my visions changed. God! Why couldn't everyone just stay together!" Lucia yelled. "It'll be okay, Lucia," Kathryn comforted. "Yeah, we'll find everyone," Alyssa said. "No, it's not okay! Because we are split up the outcomes are changing and there's more uncertainty! I can't see the enemies' plans anymore because they've changed due to us splitting up! And..." "What's wrong?" "Due to all the changes we've there will certainly be death."

"How much longer until we reach the cave?" Morgen asked. "We're almost there. According to Lucia's coordinates it should be just ahead on the peak of the mountain," Logan answered. Morgen and Whitney landed on a grassy field on the side of the mountain and rested. "When did Lucia say they were coming?" Jace asked. "When the full moon can be seen," Whitney said. "That shouldn't be until tomorrow," Logan stated. "Uh, guys." Morgen pointed up at a mountain that started to glow purple. Creatures of all shapes and sized started to pour out of the cave and rain down on them. Zombies much like Kasi and Tyler ignored the group completely as they ran down the mountain towards the city. "Logan, shoot at the zombies before they get to the city!" Morgen yelled. Whitney opened her glider and flew up to the face of a large creature and shot fire at it. It roared and swung at Whitney with its large claws. She screamed and dodged it. She went back to Morgen who was ripping a distorted zombies head off. "Forget them! We have bigger problems!" Whitney yelled. "Jace!" Morgen cried. He was atop a large hound-like creature that was black and covered in blood. He was using his strength and trying to choke the dog. They rolled around in the snow and the dog pinned him to the ground. Jace grabbed the dog's arm and yanked, pulling its arm out. It cried out in pain when Jace did the same to its other arm. Finally he crushed the dog's neck with his hands and stood up panting. His arms were covered in a black liquid and his face had a cut. "We need," he said, "to leave." "There are too many of them!" Logan called after the sound of his gun firing. "Logan, look out!" Whitney shouted. A spider-like creature came up behind Logan and screamed. Logan gasped and turned his gun at the spider, but it knocked the gun out of his hand. Whitney pulled back the snow underneath the creature's feet and shot fire at the spider. It cried out and burned quickly. Soon more and more creatures came out of the cave and marched into the city. "We need to go now!" Jace yelled.

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