Witch Doctor.

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I was still battling my thoughts about this whole thing. Is it true? Why would my uncle lie? I'm not ready yet for this to be true.
"Alissa are you ready to go?" Dravin asked yelled from the hall. I jumped in fear. Pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah give me on sec and I'll be right there." I was looking everywhere for my phone. Where could it be? I looked in the last place I was.
"I found it." I yelled.
"Found what?" He came into the room.
"My phone, I lost it and I couldn't find it anywhere. It ended up being in the closet when I called Alec last night."
"You called him from the closet?" He raised a brow.
"Yes, it's quiet in there." I called him last night to tell him I was sorry for not talking as often as we talked about when I was going to move, I miss him so much and I really wish he was here with me. He and I talked for what seemed like hours, asking me how I'm liking Romania and what's new? Well I couldn't very well tell him I was engaged or possibly pregnant, but I told him that I'm dating Dravin and he said that he was happy for me. He asked if Dravin was treating me nicely and that if he wasn't he'd get on a plane and kick his ass. I smiled at that comment because he truly is like my big brother, and not having him here with me is making me sad. He'd be so happy if he got to come here, but it's not safe for Alec and Thorne to be in the same room, I don't know what would happen if they were to see each other, I think they'd be confused and ask questions I don't have the answers to. I don't really feel like adding more drama to my life at the moment. I'll tell Alec when the time is right. I just hope he's not to angry with me for not telling him about everything that's been going on the past couple of months. The last thing I want to do is hurt him. Or freak him out.
"I'm ready to go in a couple minutes, I want to text Alec real quick." I yelled.

Alissa. Hey, it was so nice catching up last night, again I'm so sorry for not calling or texting for a few months, I feel terrible, you deserve better. I miss you and love you so much, talk later?

Alec. Hey, Alissa don't worry about it, I know things are going to be different now since you're all the way in Romania, I'm just glad that you called me yesterday, I was starting to think you forgot about me. I miss you too, hopefully we'll start to talk everyday like we used to. Talk to you later, love you.
Ugh he's so sweet, I miss him so much and I feel so guilty for not telling him about what's going on with my new life. I should have just picked up the damn phone and called him. I could really use him right now.
"Are you ready now?" Dravin asked impatiently.
"Yes, I'm ready." I laughed.
We went to the big garage that housed all their vehicles. We couldn't take Dravin's Comet today since it was raining and his car doesn't have a top. Well it does but Dravin made it so that it's strictly a convertible.
"Which one shall we take today?" He pointed around the room. Mostly all the cars on the white marbled floors were all black. So typical. I smiled to myself. I looked and looked but I couldn't choose. They were all way to luxurious. I then frowned.
"What?" Dravin chuckled. As much as I love him, his family are quite outdated on their taste of vehicles.
"You don't have any modern cars? Nothing from this decade." I laughed slightly.
"No, we prefer old fashioned cars. They're very special to us. Each one has their own story." He smirked.
"Oh really? Like what?" I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my brow. He walked over to a jet black car, I of course had no idea what it was. I knew a few car makers and models from hanging out with Alec, but everything in here looked like it was from way before my time, and even my parents time. And I was clueless.
"This car right here is a 1927 Falcon Night sedan. It was owned by Mason Watson. The owner of Lola's burlesque lounge. His Daughters Charlotte and Ella were the main dancers for the club. Their shows were outstanding. Everyone came to see the fabulous Watson sisters. Feather fans, jewels, fur coats. You name it. One night a strange man walked into the place and asked for the owner. Mr. Watson agreed to meet with him. But he wasn't expecting what happened next. The strange man offered Mr. Watson $10.000 for his daughter Charlotte. He wanted her to be his wife. But Charlotte was only 22 while the man was much older than her. Mr. Watson refused his offer, which only angered him. The man left without saying another word. Weeks had passed and then he was spotted inside the club. Everything went to hell. The man was a vampire. He killed every single person who was there. Including Mr. Watson, his wife Mia, and daughter Ella. Charlotte was devastated. Her family were killed right in front of her and she couldn't do anything to stop it. She eventually agreed to become the man's wife, fearful that he'd kill her too. He took Charlotte to California, leaving her old life back in Chicago. She was miserable. She hated her new husband, especially after everything he did to her. He was a cold, selfish man who took whatever he wanted and bought what he couldn't have. He didn't turn her into a vampire until he thought she was ready. She had to earn it, he kept telling her. She pretended to be happy and acted like the perfect little wife he wanted and expected her to be. She was smarter than him. She knew exactly what she was going to do once she became a vampire, and that was to kill her husband. She killed him the first second she got. Didn't even think twice about it. She ripped his head off and left him in their house to rot. She packed her bags and moved back to Chicago after a gruesome ten years with that man. She bought back her father's car and reopened Lola's with her dead husband's fortune. $20.000 later and she still lives in Chicago in a beautiful old Victorian house with her new husband Henry Evans. They are millionaires today and still own Lola's." He said.
"Wow that is quite the story. Is this one of your favorites then?" I smiled. He's so cute when he talks about this sort of stuff. It makes my heart feel warm.
"It's special to me because I knew Charlotte, a long time ago. She was my best friend in 1929 and is still one of my closest friends." He touches the top of the car like he was reliving a memory, smiling to himself.
"You know her?" I asked shocked. My eyes widened in curiosity.
"Yes, who do you think helped her run Lola's? He smirked.
"You we're co-owners?" I asked unsure.
"Not co-owners, I was more like a busboy. You know, taking out the trash and stuff." He winked.
"Oh, so you mean you were like her security guard then? Taking the trash out like unwelcome guests?" I smiled slightly.
"Yes, I was her trash taker outer." He says with a big smile on his face.
"You two must have been really close then? If she trusted you enough to work for her."
"I don't think she cared, she was a vampire and she felt invincible. After what her late husband did to her, she felt as if she could do anything. She could protect herself. Or so she thought. And she didn't know I was a vampire until after I got the job as a busboy. A literal busboy. This was before I was her bodyguard if you will. He made quotations with his fingers. One night at the club, two mobsters walked in and caused a scene with one of the ladies performing on stage. Calling her names, like whore, bitch, etc. Saying inappropriate things about her body in front of everyone. Then they started to touch her on stage. Which is an absolute no no. No touching the performers is a strict rule. Charlotte got up from the bar and was about to do something about it when I stepped in and did the job for her. I knew she could handle herself but it's un ladylike for such a well known, respected woman to be seen handling her dirty work in the public eye. Being the gentleman I am, I stepped up and took care of business. She saw me throw the two men out on their asses without giving it a second thought. She knew I was the right man for the job."
"Then let's take this one today." I said smiling.
"Ok, if you say so." I rolled my eyes.
"You just tell me this long story about this car and how meaningful it is to you and then you just say if you say so? We could have taken any car and I wouldn't  have cared." I laughed.
"I knew you'd say yes to anything I chose, but I wanted you to hear the story. It's a good one." He smirked. Damn, I love it when he does that.
"You're unbelievable. Let's go." I shook my head. I tried to hide my smile but it was hard to do so when he's the way he is. We pulled out of the garage and we're on our way.
I have no idea what to expect from this woman and to be honest I'm a little nervous. I hope she can help us.
"What do you think she's going to say?" I asked nervously.
"I'm not sure, but I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise." He kissed my hand. I'm really nervous. Not about seeing this witch girl, but about finding out the truth. If I am pregnant I'll be even more scared. But if I'm not it'll crush Dravin's heart. I know how much he wants this. But, I'm not ready.
"Thank you. I smiled slightly. How long will it take to get there?"
"About 2 hours I think. Don't worry, everything is going to be ok." I think he can sense my anxiety.
"I'm going to try and sleep, wake me when we're there." I was trying my best not to have a full blown panic attack. Just the wondering was making me crazy.

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