Long story short.

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Hey everyone, I'm sorry this took so long hope you enjoy. ❤️❤️❤️

This is a short chapter.

Dravin POV.

It was still dark when left Elu's. I hope he recovers nicely. He'll need his strength if we're going to the pack house. Tonight was definitely something I didn't want to relive again. Seeing Elu like that made me feel like I failed in protecting him and his sister. I promised Dakota I'd protect them. I feel like I've let her down. I miss her terribly. I wish she were here, she'd know what to do.

After i got home I quietly went up the stairs and walked silently down the hall to my room and stopped in front of my door. I inhaled deeply. I wanted to tell Alissa what happened but I also didn't want to scare her. Elu is her cousin after all. I opened the door slowly trying not to wake Alissa. I saw her sleeping next to a passed out Thorne. Thank god she's asleep.

I would have been upset if I thought something had happened between them, but I know Thorne is a spitting image of Alec so he must have brought her some piece of mind having him here with her. I know how much she misses him. I stood in front of Thorne watching them sleep so peacefully and his eyes shot open.
  "Oh sorry man, I didn't mean to stay so long, she wanted me to stay until she fell asleep and I guess I passed out too." He whispered.
"No, it's ok, really, I'm not upset. Thank you for being here for her while I was gone." I smiled slightly.
"You're not upset I was sleeping next to her?" He asked surprised. I shook my head.
"No, and the reason is complicated, but thank you for keeping an eye on her." I sat down in my leather chair with a thud.
"Why do I have the feeling you're not telling me something? You know I can tell when you're lying Dravin." He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
I sighed.
"You know me too well brother. There is something I have to tell you but I don't know how you'll respond to the news." I rubbed my temple.
"Dravin it's ok, you can tell me." Thorne was always good at listening to my problems. But this time the problem involved him. I got up and grabbed Alissa's phone from the nightstand and pulled Thorne into the hallway.
"What's going on?" He asked. I unlocked her phone with ease, her passcode was Alec and Thorne's birthday so I knew it by heart. I scrolled through her photos and came across one of her and Alec. I held up the phone in front of him.
"This is Alissa's best friend Alec." He grabbed the phone from me, his eyes wide as saucers.
"Why the hell does he look like me?" He asked with a worried look.
"I think he question is, why does he look exactly like you? I have a theory that he's your doppelgänger and that's why I wasn't upset when I saw you and Alissa all cozy. You bring her comfort, she's been missing Alec so much and she's afraid of what would happen if you and him were to meet in person.
She wants him here for the wedding but we didn't know if that was a good idea or not, and we didn't know how you would feel about it if he just showed up unexpectedly." I hope he's ok with the news.
"Well of course she wants him here, he's her family and we can't tell her not to invite him, she'd be heartbroken. It'll be a little weird seeing someone who is wearing my face, but I'll be ok. If she's happy then that's all that matters." He smiled weakly.
"You sound like a big brother. Did you and her talk while I was gone?" I asked.
"Yeah she was anxious and she wanted me to stay, we made small talk and she asked about my life before I was a vampire, so I told her." My eyes widened in shock.
"You told her about Simone? You never tell anyone that story." I said.
"Yeah I know, it felt very easy for me to talk to her, she's such a kind person. I feel like a protective older brother when it comes to her." He looked happy. Something he has a hard time with. I'm glad Alissa is that person to make him happy.
"Well you will be when she and I get married. And I'm sure she feels the same way towards you." He smiled slightly.
"How's Elu doing? Alissa said you were worried when you left?" Thorne asked.
"When I got there all I could smell was blood. His wounds were so severe, whoever did this to him was strong, I've seen my fair share of cuts and gashes but Elu's were the worst I've ever seen and he wasn't healing. The claw marks on him were huge, like the biggest claws I've ever seen. They're much bigger and stronger compared to Elu and Eyota, maybe even Adahy. Elu almost died, if I wouldn't have gotten there in time he wouldn't be here right now." Tonight was definitely a night I don't want to happen again.
"Oh my god, what are we going to do? We don't stand a chance against the pack." Thorne had a worried expression on his face.
"The first thing I think we should do is visit the pack house, with Elu, Eyota and their father. Then from there see how things go. I have to help protect them in any way I can while trying to protect Alissa. I'm really scared Thorne.
"About what?" He frowned.
"I'm afraid of becoming a father, what if I'm not good at it?" I was happy Alissa and I were expecting but I was also worried I'd mess up being a parent.
"What? You'll be an amazing dad Dravin. You're already a great brother and friend, and you'd do anything for the ones you love. I have no doubt that you'll be an awesome dad." He patted me on the shoulder. I was starting to feel things. Guilt and wordiness started taking over my mind.
"We should have been more careful. We were stupid. What if she can't do it and it's too much for her body to handle? I can't live without her and I can't tell my children their mother died giving birth to them. I already had that talk with Elu and Eyota. I mean I didn't tell them everything because I didn't want to upset them so I basically told them she died after they were born and left it at that. Adahy told them the rest when he got here." I was panicking. He put both his hands on my shoulders and gripped me tight.
"Dravin, calm down. It's going to be ok. Everything is going to be ok. Just breathe." He looked into my eyes making sure I was listening to him. I inhaled deeply and then exhaled.
"You're right, I'm worrying too much. I just have a lot on my plate right now."
"You have to relax, you can't let Alissa know you're upset. She'll be even more nervous if you're nervous." He said. He was right. I have be strong. For Alissa.
"Thorne. Are you still here?" Alissa called.
"We can talk later and make a plan. Will you go with me." I hope he says yes.
"Of course I will, you'll need a badass vampire to help kick the asses of whoever did this to Elu." He smiled widely.
"I knew I could count on you brother. Thanks." I feel better knowing he'll be with me when I go and confront Elu's insane uncle.
We both entered the room and saw Alissa sitting up in bed.
"Hey baby, I'm sorry I was gone so long." I said. She hugged me tightly.
"I missed you so much, I was so worried. How's Elu?" Her eyes widened in fear.
"He was in pretty bad shape, I didn't know if he was going to make it. His wounds were deeper than I thought, but he's ok now." I smiled reassuringly.
"I'm so glad he's ok. Eyota must have been so scared. I should have went with you." She looked down at the floor.
"I told her that you wanted to come but it wasn't safe for you or the babies. She understood and said that she didn't want you getting hurt either."
"Babies, you told her?" She asked shocked.
"Yeah it slipped out. I'm sorry." I felt bad for spilling the beans but what could I do about it now?"
"It's ok. I'm not mad. I'm glad she knows. I just feel so useless, I can't do anything to help." She sighs.
"What are you talking about? You're growing two babies inside of you. I'd say you're doing more than enough." I brushed her cheek with the back of my hand.
"Did Thorne keep you company?" I asked her.
"Yeah he did. She looked at Thorne with a big smile. Thanks for staying with me and talking, I enjoyed your story."
"You're welcome. Thank you for listening. He smiles warmly. Well I'm going to go get some breakfast, if you know what I mean." He winked and darts out of the room in a flash.
"Be careful. You never know who's going to be out there." I yelled.
"I will." The front door slammed loudly.
"Where'd he go?" Alissa asked.
"He went hunting. He needs to feed."
"Right, gotcha. She winked at me. I chuckled. Please tell me you don't have to go anywhere today, I missed you to much last night." She grands my hand.
"I missed you too, but unfortunately I do have to go back. We're going to go to the pack house and face Analu. We're just going to talk to him." I tucked her hair behind her ear.
"I don't like that idea, I don't want you getting hurt, or anyone for that matter." She whined.
"I know baby, but I have to help Elu, he almost died last night. Don't stress. I promise everything will be ok." I hope. Then Alissa gasped out of nowhere and grabbed her stomach.
"What's wrong?" I said anxiously. She smiled at me.
"Nothing's wrong, feel." She took my hand and placed it on her stomach.
"Can you feel that? The babies are kicking." I felt a thud against my hand.
"I can't wait to meet them. She said happily. Whether we have a boy and a girl or two girls or two boys I don't care. I love them already." I laughed slightly. "You're going to make an amazing mother."
"And you're going to be the best dad ever." She said. I'm glad she thinks so.
"Are you starting to show more today, or is it just me?" I looked at her little protruding bump.
"No, I think I actually am. We need to find me a dress and get married quick. I still want to look hot in my dress." I laughed.
"You will look beautiful no matter what." She kissed me softly.
"Ok, I'll make a deal with you, while I'm gone you can look through the closet and pick out what you want everyone to wear, that should keep you busy until I get back. Ok?" I kissed her cheek.
"Ok, that's sounds perfect, I can do something useful for once." I wish she'd stop thinking she wasn't useful.
"You are always useful, don't think badly of yourself baby." She nodded.
"Are you going to be here till morning or are you going to have to leave again." She asked.
"I'll be here all night to watch you sleep, I'll leave in the morning only after you've woken up."
"Good. I get so worried about you when I'm not with you. I wish I was a vampire already to help you and our friends." She looked at the floor.
"I know you want to help but, I don't want you becoming a vampire just to help us. It's a choice you really need to think about. I'm not against the idea I'm just wanting you to wait until the babies are born and maybe a couple years after." I know she won't like hearing this.
"I really don't want to have this conversation again and again. Im tired of arguing and going in circles, I'm just glad you're home safe so let's just go to bed and not talk anymore about it ok?" She said.
"Ok, we won't talk about it anymore." I kissed her again.
"Good, let's go to bed now, it's still dark outside." She got all comfy in bed. I could tell she was angry with me, but I didn't really care because in that moment I knew she couldn't stay mad at me forever just because she didn't get what she wanted. She snuggled up to me and inhaled deeply.
"I'm glad you're home." She breathed in my scent.
"Me too." I kissed her forehead and slowly felt myself falling asleep.

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