Chapter 15: Nothing Makes Sense

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Yeon Na's POV

"Yeon Na, could you please explain what this is?" dad asked with his arms crossed. He did not seem angry but more worried. Mum, beside me, also had the same worried look. She had gotten much better and has had sessions with some nurses to help get back on her feet, literally but back to dad's question. I stared at the bunch of papers on mum's lap. I squinted as I tried to recognise them and when I did, my eyes instantly grew wide open. 

"I called Jeong Uk early. He said that you have decided on your own to start your own investigation about you mum's accident?" dad sighed rubbing his temples tiredly.

"I overhead the both of you talking. Mum, you said that your accident may not have occurred by accident but purposely." I collected myself and answered. "I needed to find out for myself who the real culprit was. He should be punished, not the person who confessed." 

"Darling please stop your investigation. You are only 17. You should be worrying about other things like your studies or going to parties with your friends. Don't waste your teenage years this way. Just be a normal teenager and do not worry so much about my case." mum soothed. 

"But I'm not a normal teenager! Mum, dad both of you know better. I don't belong here. Literally! No full Asian has natural blue eyes. I need to complete this investigation." I firmly informed walking towards them with my chin held high. They gave me an apologetic look like they have just remembered about our fight a few days ago. 

"But Yeon Na, it could be dangerous." mum reasoned. 

"We know what actually happened to Jae Sang." dad said making me lower my chin and sigh. "Imagine what his parents may think? I know you love for justice to be served no matter what but at times like this, your safety  and your friends' safety is much more important. You are still our daughter no matter what world you come from." dad convinced putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked back up at him, eyes filled with tears that were dying to pour out.

I took a step back brushing his hand off my shoulder. "I'm not doing this for the feeling of justice being served. I need to find out who the real culprit and his true intentions. If anything, you could be in danger mum if it was intentional and-"

"We have made sure that your mum has been safe all this time." dad interrupted so I sharply continued, "It's not just that. I need to find out to make myself feel better!" 

"Dear, what do you mean by that?" mum furrowed her brows and I sniffled quietly, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"I have been living all this time with the mindset that it was my fault. If I did not have this curse, if I was not born, mum would not have to spend 9 years asleep!" I poured my heart out. Everything that I had been keeping to myself all left my mouth. I burst out in tears and shouted out all my pain. "Because of me, Chan Woo could not have a mum growing up. Because of me, dad could not have you around after all you two have gone through. It was like a living hell having to watch you mum, lying on this bed which I put you in." At that point, they were both left speechless. Both in shock by my words. 

"That's why I need to do this. I may be selfish that I am doing this for me to feel better but I'm sorry. I really can't bare the guilt anymore." I clutched the cloth of my shirt where my heart was. Gut-wrenching sobs that tore through my chest could be heard. I turned my face away from them as I tried to collect myself. When I turned back, mum had teared up too. Dad looked up in an attempt to not cry. I harshly wiped away my pathetic tear trails on my face before I went to pick up the paperwork on mum's lap and she just allowed me to do what I pleased. I tried doing so without making eye contact with them at all. Afterwards, I held the papers tightly and headed to the doors with my back facing them. I paused right at the door and took a deep breath before leaving the room. 

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