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note: another prom themed one shot because why not? :) also, just a warning, this is 2am writing so it might sound weird don't attack me please :")

the much awaited east high prom was happening in a month, and of course, everyone's been busy. one of the highlights of this event are the promposals. it was nice to see students go all out to ask other students to prom in front of the whole school. it was entertaining to watch. the best promposal so far was when carlos and seb asked each other to prom at the same time, without them or even their friends that helped them out individually knowing. they both held flowers, a small bear and a huge illustration board, saying "prom?"

one ordinary school afternoon, ricky, ej and big red were sitting down having lunch. carlos and seb approached their table talking about a promposal that happened during their class, saying that no one is ever gonna beat theirs.

"so guys." carlos says, getting the attention of the 3. "have you asked your girlfriends to prom yet?"

"well, i was just planning to ask ashlyn straightforward. i don't think i need a big romantic gesture to do that." big red replies.

"i second that. i might do the same for gina." ej adds while ricky nods, meaning he was planning to do the same thing with nini.

carlos stands up behind the 3 boys, immediately slapping the top of their heads one by one.

"ow!" they all shout. "what was that for?"

"are you all out of your minds?? i don't think your girlfriends would like that. they might even say no." carlos exclaims while the 3 boys give a confused look.

"we suggest that you should do a romantic gesture. go all out. you only get asked to prom once and i'm sure your girlfriends would appreciate that." seb adds.

the conversation was interrupted when nini, gina, ashlyn and kourtney walk towards the table, giggling about something. before they sit down, nini, gina and ashlyn kiss their boyfriends hello.

"so what are you girls giggling about?" ej asks.

kourtney brings out a small bouquet of flowers and a small board. "well! i was asked to prom just 2 minutes ago!"

"wow! congratulations! by who?" big red asks.

"nate!" all the girls squeal.

"ya, he's in my ap lit class. he's intelligent and sweet. after the class, he caught everyone's attention in the hallway. he was holding a mic, saying this cheesy pickup line then he asked me to prom!" kourtney adds.

the girls immediately sit together to talk about kourtney's promposal. ricky whispers to both ej and big red. "we need to plan something asap!" they both nod.

after school, the three decided to meet in big red's basement to plan. they pulled out an all nighter for this one, thinking of the perfect promposal for their girlfriends.

the first one set to prompose was big red. it happened during their lunch break. with the use of his tech skills, he had set up a bright red spotlight beforehand and made it point to ashlyn and him. he walked in with a ukulele on his hand and did a cover of her song, wondering, which made ashlyn tear up for a bit. after the song, the spotlight was dimmed. then, he was seen holding flowers and a board saying "i wanna go to prom with you so i was WONDERING if you wanna go with me too?" ashlyn walked up to him, gave him a little kiss and said yes.

the next day, it was ej's turn. he was nervous. he didn't want to let gina down. ricky and big red were cheering him on, saying that he could do it. it happened after school. the instrumental of "can't take my eyes off you" started blasting outside of the main entrance of the east high, which caught everyone's attention. all of the students rushed down to see what was going on. ej started singing to it, changing the lyrics to "i love you baby to "i love you gina", making gina chuckle.

after the song, ej shouted to the mic. "gina, would you wanna go to prom with me?"

gina immediately ran to his arms and hugged him. "hell yes!"

lastly, it was ricky's turn to prompose. before that, he checked if everything was settled and prepared for his promposal to nini. it happened during their lunch break again. the gang was sitting in their usual table, hearing nini ranting about how she's the only one in their group who hasn't been asked to prom. the girls were trying to comfort her, while the boys were giving each other suspicious eye contact, knowing that ricky is promposing any second now.

suddenly, a guitar strum was heard from behind. nini turned around and saw her boyfriend playing "you belong with me" by taylor swift. like what ej did, he changed the lyrics from "you belong with me" to "nini, prom with meeeee" making her burst into laughter.

after singing, he grabs the mic, a bouquet of peonies and a blue box with a ring on it. nini notices the box and was shocked. "wait you're not-?"

"no, no nini. i'm not. not yet." ricky chuckles then speaks into the mic. "nini, i want you to have this ring. so you'll always be reminded that i love you and i'll never stop loving you. i promise you that i'll always be by your side."

nini starts to tear up when ricky slid the ring to her finger. everyone in the cafeteria starts cheering them on. "...and also, would you do me the honor and be my date to prom?"

"uh i think that's a given!!" nini replies and gives him a kiss. "i love you."

"i love you too"

the couple walked to their friends, the girls gushing over the ring while the guys gave ricky a pat on the back.

carlos interrupts them. "i guess, we all did a great job with the promposals. our group definitely wins." and everyone bursts into laughter.

note: it's cheesy and weird i know but i hope yall still enjoyed :)

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