10|| new resturant

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Mariano insisted on walking me home after school, the whole way towards my house he was apologizing for the way he acted with Mattia yesterday

I told him it was fine and I wasn't mad I was just annoyed the whole day. When we got too my house we sat down in the little stairs that were in my front yard and talked

"So are doing anything later ?" Mariano asks me

Funny Mattia asked me the same thing yesterday

"Not really why?"

"I heard of this new place in town and I wanted too know if you wanted to check it out with me later today" Mariano said a bit nervous

Well at least I know he's not trying to get into my pants

"Sure, I get bored at home so why not" I smiled

"Great" he says "I'll pick you up 8 so be ready"

I nod

"I'm going to head home now, see you soon" Mariano says getting up

"Bye" I also get up and walk inside my house

"Hey baby, foods ready" my mom says putting two plates on the table

"Thanks" I wash my hands and sit down at the table

"So who was that boy that walked you home today" my mom asked

"Oh he's a friend from school"

"Nice" my mom said "told you you'll get friends" she smiles

"Talking about friends he invited me over to this new restaurant later today, i was to make sure that it was okay with you?" I say

"Yeah, just don't want you home super late" my mom says

"Of course, oh and he's giving me a ride"

My mom nods and we continued eating, after I was done I showered and changed into a white shirt and ripped jeans

I saw it was about to hit 8 so I walked outside to wait for Mariano, soon I saw mariano appear in front of my house with his car

"Come on" Mariano says

I run up to his car and I hop in

Mattias pov

Me and the boys came to this new restaurant to eat and hang for a bit

"Dude because of you and Alejandro I'm pretty sure y/n doesn't like anymore" kairi says kinda mad at us

"Chill no one likes your soft ass anyways" Alejandro says in a joking way and I laugh

"Guys I'm being dead ass, she was so annoyed yesterday because I was asking her questions about you" kairi points at me

"Oh yeah what she say?" I asked

Kairi rolled his eyes "she said she doesn't hate you, that you can be nice at times"

"What she say about Mattia calling himself her boyfriend?" Alejandro asked

"She didn't really care, she knows you did it for a good reason and not to hit on her" kairi says

I decided to tell the guys about the bet jenna did since there my only and closest friends

"Jenna is going to pay me ten thousand dollars if I get y/n too sleep with me, I have one month to get her to sleep with me. It's kinda a competition between me and Mariano"

"Dude you know how shit like this always ends, why would you agree to do that dumb bet " kairi says

"Your going to hurt y/n big time, she's the only girl that we can actually have a good time with that doesn't try to get in all of our pants or play us" Alejandro says

"Right. And if you play her in pretty sure she's going to not jus ignore you but Ignore me and Alejandro too and we didn't so shit wrong" kairi adds

"Your right, I'm not going to sleep with her" I say

"Then?" Alejandro asks "are you going to let Mariano use her and win the bet?"

"What no ! I'm going to try and spend more time with her so she wouldn't have time for Mariano and Mariano wouldn't sleep with her" I said

"Smart" Alejandro says

"But I think Mariano is one step ahead of you" kairi says with annoyed face

I turn around to see what he was looking at, I see Mariano and y/n walk in and sit down at a table


your pov

Me and Mariano finally arrived to the restaurant, we ate and finished

I noticed Mattia and his friends here too, I could feel Mattia eyes on me and I can smell his anger but me and Mariano didn't talk to him, we continued without drama, he later dropped me home and I went to sleep

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