32|| wrong decision

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Third point of view

The girl and the boy soon made they're way back to the front seats, on the way to the girls house, y/n felt her eyes close up and soon fell asleep, she was super tired that the only thing she needed was rest

When The boy realized that the girl had fallen asleep he smirked to himself, he knew he was the one who put her to sleep because of the car sex that they just had which showed Mattia that he did good

When Mattia arrived to y/n's house he gently shook her so she could wake up, soon her eyes fluttered open

"We're at you house" he said softly to her

"Really?" She asked rubbing her eyes and looking around

"Yeah, I'll walk you inside, let me open the door for you" Mattia said and he got out the car and opened the door for her

"Thank you tia" she said

"Of course beautiful" Mattia smiled

Y/n took out her keys, unlocked the door, and walked inside the house

"Hey guys" her mom said as she walked into the living room

"Hey" the girl simply said, she was being a bit dry but that was because all she wanted to do was go to bed and fall asleep

"Did you guys have fun?" Her mom asked

"Yeah, Mattia took me out to eat the best pizza" she smiles at her mom

"Today was good but I should head home, goodnight baby" Mattia said planting a kiss on the girls cheek

Y/n's eyes widen at Mattias sentence

"Baby?" Her mom asked furrowing her eyebrows "you guys are dating ?" She asked

"Yeah" Mattia said

"Since when?" She asked out of curiosity

In that moment Mattia had realized that his girlfriends mom didn't know that they were dating. Even though Mattia grew anger at his girlfriend right now he didn't want her to get in trouble so he said "we just started"

"Oh that's nice" Her mom said

"I'll walk you to your room yeah?" Mattia said turning to y/n

"Yeah..." y/n said, she knew they were about to step into a argument

And she was right, as soon they walked in her room, Mattia said "really? You didn't tell your mom about us?"

"No I haven't, I'm sorry" she said, what else could she say

"Why the hell didn't you tell her?" Mattia said, he started to get furious

"Because your a big player and I don't know if what we have is real" she said "I don't want to look dumb after telling my mom how much I love you" the girl explained "if you do end up playing me my mom wouldn't let me date again because she wouldn't like to see me all depressed"

"Really y/n, we've talked about this, I've told you I want something serious, I dodge girls for you, I take you out daily, I'm giving you attention twenty-four seven, what else do you want me to do to prove to you that I actually love you, you can't still be using that as a excuse" Mattia said

"oh I'm sorry that I have trust issues because I'm dating the schools biggest fuck boy" the girl said as her attitude grew, it bothered her that her boyfriend wasn't being understanding

"No one forced you in this relationship so if you feel that way about me then just break up with me, no one is stopping you" Mattia said

"You know I didn't mean it like that" the girl sighed

"Whatever, it doesn't change the fact that your ashamed of me" he said

"I'm not ashamed of you" The girl said

"Then why doesn't you mom know that we're together huh? My parents know about you" Mattia said

"It's not like I even had a choice but to meet your parents" the girl whisper to herself

"What did you say ?" Mattia said

"Nothing" she said

"Obviously you don't like being with me, so if your not going to say it I will, we're over"

The girls heart shattered hearing that

"No Mattia don't say that, I'm sorry" y/n plead "I love you"

"Not enough for you to tell your mom" Mattia rolled his eyes "you know you could've told me that your mom didn't know about us earlier, I'd work everyday to better myself so your mom could know me as your boyfriend not your friend"

Mattia was honestly heart broke, he really took it to heart that y/n didn't tell her mom she was with him, Mattia loves y/n more than anything but because of all the anger that grew inside of him he didn't think twice before opening his mouth, in reality he didn't want nothing more than spending the rest of his life with the girl in front of him

"I'm sorry, your right, I should've told you earlier, it's just this boyfriend stuff is new to me so I didn't know how to react" the girl said and she meant it, she never had a boyfriend before and she was embarrassed by that

"Look right now I need my space, but since we told your mom we just started dating we have to make it look like we are" Mattia said with a sigh

"So we are over?" The girl said with a shaky voice as her eyes watered

"A break, we're taking a break" Mattia said getting closer to her and planting a kiss on her forehead

Now that Mattia was more calm he couldn't say 'we're over' again but it didn't change his mind about how she upset him

"Okay" the girl said holding back her tears

"I should go" was all he said

"Okay, bye" y/n said

"Bye" he said and with that he left causing the girl to break down in her bed

She wished that she had told her mom about Mattia and her, she knew it made her look like she didn't like Mattia but she really did, she was just confused on what the right decision was but now she obviously knows now that she chose the wrong decision

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