37|| the end

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"Okay this is going to sting a bit" I said as I put a bit of rubbing alcohol into a cotton ball

I gently put it in his lip and he groans in pain

I was sitting on the counter in the bathroom trying to clean Mattia up as Mattia stand in between my legs closing all the space their was between us

"I'm so sorry" I said and I took it off

"Kiss it yo make it feel better" he said

I rolled my eyes and gave him a small peck

"Okay one more time" I said letting him know I was going to put rubbing alcohol underneath his eye since he had it a bit busted

"Fuck" he said

"Okay okay all done" I said "I'll just put some healing cream" I said as I took it out of a first aid kit we found in the bathroom "I doubt this will hurt" I say as I put a bit in my finger then rub it on him

"I'm sorry about Enzo" he said "I'm sorry he was being so cocky and flirty with you" he said "and I'm sorry you had to see me like that"

"I'm guessing it isn't the first time he flirts with the girls you bring home" I raise a eyebrow

"It's not" he clarified "but don't think I bring so many girls home, cuz I don't" he said "just one and she cheated on me with Enzo, which is why I got so mad that he was talking to you, I didn't want him taking you away from me"Mattia says

"I'm sorry" I said at the fact he got cheated on

"It's fine, really, I have you now and I know you won't leave me for him, I should be sorry for being so controlling" he smiles "your mine and only mine"

I couldn't help but look down, I have so many mixed emotions

"I don't know what you were thinking fighting Enzo, he's much bigger than you" I say changing the subject and not reacting to that last sentence he said

"Well I couldn't just stand there and hear him say those stuff" Mattias smile went away

"You were saying some awful things too you know" I say

"I know I'm sorry, I just had to say something" Mattia said then a moment of silence began

I disconnected my eyes from him, deciding if i should just get up and leave, right now I don't feel comfortable in this silence

"So have your thought about the question I asked you earlier?" Mattia said speaking up

I know exactly what questions he's talking about, I just don't know the answer "what questions" I ask acting dumb

"If you want to actually date and not just act like it" he said "I have real feelings for you y/n, and I promise I will treat you the best that I can, I know I have a play boy past but I'll be loyal, just for you" he said

"Loyal? Your everything but it, I know you were having sex with another girl" I blurt out

"What?" Mattia furrowed his eyebrows as he was taken back to what I just said

"Nothing" I said

"No say it" Mattia said

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about" I say "I saw the messages"

Mattia just gulped

"Good night Mattia" I say as I start to walk out

I didn't want to argue, what was there to argue about ? I don't have time to talk about Mattia being with another girl

"Wait" he said holding my wrist "look I'm sorry okay, I don't know what I was thinking" he apologized "I was just deep in my thoughts about the fact that you didn't tell your mom about us, I thought you were proud about our relationship and finding out we were a secret broke my heart, but I understand now how I fucked up" he sighed

"I need to get home" I say

"No please, you said you were going to spend the night" he said

"I never said that, I said I'll ask my mom"

"Then ask her, please" Mattia plead "I promise I will never make you feel pain, just give me one more chance"

"We weren't even together so I guess it wasn't cheating, but you can just throw yourself at other girls because of something small or every time I fuck up" I say

"I promise I won't, I'm sorry" he said


"Yes what" Mattia asked

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend, only if your keep your promises"

"I will" Mattia smiles

He's grabs my waist and pulls me towards him until there's no space left between me and him, he kisses my jawline before attaching his lips on mine

The end

Yes this is the end of this book, so sad. I will delete this whole story after a week or so because it's kinda cringy lol. Thank you guys so much for the support, please check out my other story's it will mean so much <3

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