36|| trouble

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"So do you work ?" Enzo asked me

"Don't Answerr him" Mattia whispered in my ear

"Yeah I do, I work with Mattia" I say

"Oh that little restaurant my uncle owns" he said and I nod

"Why would you answer him" Mattia whispered

"Why not ?" I said "it's nothing bad, get yourself together because let me re mind you that me and you aren't together so stop being so controlling" I whisper

Mattia was taken back by it, he didn't even answer me he just looked away

"I'm sorry" I said

"No it's fine, your right" he says "i just like you and the way we act around each other it's easy to forget that what we have is actually not real" Mattia said quietly

The truth is I like Mattia but what if me and Mattia aren't suppose to be together, Mattia is toxic and I'm not honest about my feeling because when upset about something I keep it to myself, also let's not forget Mattia has been getting it on with another girl

Why do I care, like I just told Mattia, me and him aren't even dating

We all continued to eat, when I was done I got my plate and walked to the kitchen to wash it

"Call me crazy but something just feels wrong between you and Mattia" Enzo said sneaking up behind me as I washed my dish

I nervously laugh "nothing feels wrong between me and Mattia" I said

"Trust me, it does, it feels like you guys aren't actually together" he said

"Oh but we are" I said as I laid my plate to dry

"It's either that or one you two are cheating on the other one " he said causing me to frown

Mattia isn't really cheating on me because we're not together but those messages I found in his phone were heartbreaking

"It's Mattia a isn't it, he's cheating on you" Enzo said and I didn't respond "I'm so sorry I need to mind my business"

"It's fine" I gave him a small smile

"You know if you were with me I would never cheat on you" he said "your too precious to be treated that way"

His words made me instantly turn into a red tomato, how could I not, I was getting complimented by a god

"Leave her alone" Mattia said sneaking up behind me and pulling me towards him

I gave Enzo the look, the look trying to say 'don't tell him nothing'

Mattia doesn't know that I know that he was sleeping with another girl and if he found out he would have to find out that I had his phone in order too see the messages and know he was having sex with who know who and plus no one likes people looking threw their face phone

"What's going on" Mattia asked me as he looked at me "why are you blushing" he furrowed his eyebrows

"Nothings going on, relaxed matti" Enzo laughed "I was just telling your beautiful girl friend she's worth more than you"

My eyes widen

"And she's worth more than you too so don't even think about continuing that flirting your doing with her because she's mine" Mattia barked

"Ok She might be yours but is she happy?" Enzo asked

"Oh she's totally happy with me" Mattia said confidently

"Oh really? How can you be so sure" Enzo crosses his arms "I've known her for less then twenty four hours and i could already see and tell that she isn't delighted by you so care too explain" he said

"I know she's happy with me because of the way she screams when I'm inside of her" Mattia smirked

"Mattia!" I said as I smack his chest with my bare hand

"Mmm, that's what she says in bed" Mattia said

"Your fucking gross Mattia" I said "that's a really pig move" I say, I honestly hate when guys brag about sex "I'm going home"

"No please I'm sorry princess" Mattia said grabbing my wrist "he just brings the bad in me, I won't say anything like ever again" Mattia says as he glared at a smirking Enzo

"Look at that, young Mattia fucking this up already" Enzo chuckled "why don't you let her be with a real man, and feel some real pleasure"

"Your a man whore" Mattia scrunches his nose as his grip on my wrist loosens up and in a blink of an eye Mattia punches Enzo in the face

"Mattia!" I shout in shock

Enzos body moves back a bit and stiffened and before I knew it Mattia and Enzo we're throwing punches back and forward

"Guys stop!" I shout "Mattia" I said as I tried pulling him away but he was way stronger than me

"Oh my good" I heard a voice say behind me

I turn around and see the worried look on Mattias mom

"MATTIA POLIBIO" Mattias mom shouts but nothing happened

Mattia and Enzo kept going at it

Soon Mattias dad and uncles come into the kitchen and separated the fight

"What in the damn worlds has gotten into you" Mattias mom said as he pulled Mattia towards her by his ear "he's your cousin, this isn't how family is suppose to be, you guys are suppose to get along" she said

"I'm sorry ma but he was disrespecting me and y/n, anger took over my body" Mattia said

"Mattia you know better" his moms shacked her head slowly

"He was trying to take y/n away from me" he said "why can't he ever leave me and the girl I care for alone" he said "I don't want it to happen again"

Again? So Enzo has tried getting at people Mattias been with? Is that why they don't like each other ?

"I know but family comes first" Mattia moms said making me look down

"I should go home" I said

"Oh no honey I didn't mean it like that, I just think it's not a reason to fight about-"

"Don't worry, it's fine I understand" I interrupted her "I've caused enough trouble so I should get going" I let you a small laugh

"No please stay" Mattia said "all I really need right now is you" Mattia gave me doggy eyes

"Fine only for a little bit so I can help you clean up your face, you look like a mess" I said

"No stay the night" Mattia said

"I don't think that's a good idea" I sigh

"No its fine" his mom said "I don't mind, maybe you can help Mattia fix himself" she said as she glared at Mattia

"Okay then" I smiled "I'll have to ask my mom first"

"Yes" Mattia cheered as he tried kissing me

"No your covered in blood" I said covering myself with my hands

Mattias lip was bleeding and so was enzos nose but I'm pretty sure Mattia mad bitches blood on his face

"Then lets go clean me up" he said as he dragged me to the bathroom

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