34|| heart shattered

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"Hey y/n, how have you been" Mattias mom asked

"Good thanks for asking, how about you" I smile

"Same" she smiled back "glad to see you again" she said

"Me too" I say

"Okay well We'll be in my room if you need us" Mattia said and his mom nodded

Right now I'm over at Mattias house because my mom isn't the only one that thinks me and him are still dating, Mattias parents also think we're together so we have to fake it in front of them too

Once we stepped into his room I said "how come your parents don't know we're not together?" I ask as he flopped on the bed

I was confused because Mattia parents knew we were dating since we started and I'm sure his parents would understand that we broke up

"Because, I don't know" Mattia said "I guess I still have hope in us and I don't want my parents to know I'm in an on and off relationship with you" he said "now come cuddle with me, I love that perfume your wearing"

"So you still have feelings" I said as I went under his arms

"Always" he said as he laid his head on mine "maybe i am over reacting about you not telling your mom that we were dating" Mattia sighed "I'm so sorry for everything princess" he said brushing my hair with his hand

"Over reacting?" I ask as I turn my body to look at him

"Yeah, if you didn't want to tell your mom then that shouldn't effect me or us, plus she's your mom not mine, I guess I was just in the moment and I didn't know how to react, I'm not mad at you anymore and I totally won't ask for space anymore" Mattia said making direct eye contact "but I also think that we shouldn't get back together this quickly, we need time" he explained

"I agree" I smile "time is exactly what we need" I said

"Now please no more secrets and start telling me things beforehand" Mattia said as he planted a kiss on my forehead when he finished his sentence

"I will" I nod

"I'm so sorry for acting that way, your mom is your family and I shouldn't have an opinion on what you should tell your mom" Mattia said

"It's fine, really, I'm sorry too and I hope you know I'm not embarrassed of you" I say " Im glad things are back to normal" I smiled

"Me too" Mattia said as he cupped my face and gave me a small peck on my lips

"Mattia!" Mattias dad screamed from outside the room

"Yes papa" Mattia answered

"Me and your mom are going grocery shopping , if you guys want to come you can"
Mattias dad said

"Wanna go?" He asked me And I shook my head no

"No were good pa thank you" he said

"Okay, if you guys are going to
Leave the house give us a heads up and call me or your mama" Mattias dad says "we might take long because we're going to your aunts house"

"Sure will" Mattia says "so do you want to watch a movie or ?" Mattia said turning to me "we can do whatever you want" he smiled

"Yeah sure I'll go with the movie" I said

And that's what we did, we watched random movies the whole time we were together, but soon Mattia fell asleep on my lap

I noticed a couple times that Mattias phone had vibrated, his phone was placed on the little table next to his bed

I looked at him and looked back at his phone, I couldn't help but reach for it, I didn't know his password which meant I couldn't get into his phone, but what I could see was the messages he had gotten

We should do it again

You were really good

Are you free today

We should link


My heart shattered reading the messages, I hold my tears back and place the phone back where it was

Without caring anymore I got up and got off the bed which woke Mattia up

"Come lay back" Mattia said with his closed eyes and raspy voice 

"No" I said which he was taken back by

He rubbed his eyes and got up "what are you doing?" He asked

"Nothing" I said with no emotion

"Your leaving?" He asked again

"Yeah" I quickly said

"Why?" He said

"Ugh Just shut up, you ask to many damn questions" I snapped

"Woah whats wrong ?" He said as he put his hands on my waists "why are you talking to me that way?" He asked

"Nothing" I groan and take his hands of my waist

If I keep acting like this he's obviously going to know something is wrong and I can't tell him I went threw his phone, me and hi aren't even dating anymore so I shouldn't care about what he does when he's not around me

"Sorry, nothing is wrong I just want to go home" I say fixing my tone

"Why so fast, you literally just got here" Mattia sticked out his bottom lip

"Mattia I've been here for more than two hours" I said "and plus my mom texted me and said that she wanted me home now and i don't
Want to get in trouble" I lie

"Fine, I understand" Mattia says "I'll take you, let me just tell my ma ok?" He said

Mattia grabbed his phone and I know he saw the messages he got from that unknown number since they were right there when you turn the phone on, he looked at me and smiled then called his mom

"Mom" he said "I'm going to take y/n home" he said then his mom said something

"okay,bye" Mattia said

"Let's go" he said and I nod

Gosh Mattia is really clue less

Go check out me new Mattia fan fic story's pleasee ❤️

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